chapter 99

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Bella had finally woken up and Edward had taken her hunting. She wanted to see Renesmee - which Alex still found a despicable name - but everyone knew it would be better if she went and got some blood in her first.

Alex cradles the small bundle of joy who looks up at her with her dark brown eyes. A small smile on the child's lips as she reaches out her hand to touch her cheek.

Bella's hollowed out body stares at her and a small smile plays on Bella's lips as she sees the child.

"Yes, Your mommy will be here soon." Alex cooes. Jasper watches from afar. He didn't have any interest in the whole affair but he did found it wonderful to see his mate with the child. It was as if she was made to hold one of them.

"They're coming back." Emmett says and both Rosalie and Alex look at one another and the latter gives Renesmee to the blonde vampire. Everyone had discussed for Alex to be the one to hold Bella back if anything went wrong.

Jacob walks outside first and the rest wait inside.

"You're still here."

"So are you." Jacob replies to Bella. "I didn't expect you to seem so you." He waits a beat before adding another sentence. "Except for the creepy eyes."

"I would keep my distance for now."

"It's safer for the baby to see how you do with me first." Alex looks at Jasper and he walks over to her, wrapping an arm around his mate.

"Since when do you care about Renesmee?" Bella asks and Alex purses her lips. She wondered how long they could keep the information from Renesmee's mother.

"All right. Take a whiff." Bella steps closer and takes a sniff.

"Well, I can see what everyone's been talking about. Jake, you really do stink." Edward and Jacob laugh.

"You guys really look great together."

"Want to come meet our daughter?" Edward asks and Jacob quickly runs ahead into the house as Bella and Edward make their way towards it. Bella and Edward walk into the house and everyone faces them.

"Welcome to the family." Esme smiles and Alice beams.

"You look amazing, Bella."

"Someone's been waiting to meet you." Bella's eyes dart towards Carlisle before they turn to her mate's.

"Rose." Rose is holding Renesmee and she turns to face them. Bella finally sees Renesmee - who had grown rapidly - Rose hands over Renesmee to Bella and Renesmee tenderly touches Bella's face. Bella's eyes glaze over before she turns to Edward.

"What was that?"

"She showed you the first memory she has of you."

"Showed me? How?" Edward shrugs.

"How do I hear thoughts? How does Alice see the future She's gifted." Bella looks at Renesmee again and frowns.

"I've only been out for two days?"

"Her growth rate is unprecedented." Carlisle tells her and Alex sees that Jacob is getting antsy. She narrows her eyes at him but he doesn't seem to care.

"All right. That's enough experimenting for one day."

"Jacob." He doesn't even look at Edward. "She's doing great."

"Yeah. Let's not push it though."

"What's your problem?" Bella almost growls and Alex smiles. Apparently they couldn't keep it from her that long.

"Oh." Rosalie smirks. "Do tell her, Jacob."

Emmett elbows Alex. "This should be good."

"Hold on a second." Edward takes Renesmee from Bella who turns to Jacob a bit angry but mostly confused.

"Bella. Look, it's a wolf thing."

"What's a wolf thing?"

"Um..." Jacob stutters. "You know we have no control over it. We can't choose who it happens with. And it doesn't mean what you think, Bella. I promise."

"Take Renesmee out of the room." Bella starts to look even more angry and Edwards comes up behind her softly touching her shoulder. "Edward, don't touch me right now. I don't want to hurt you." Edward takes his hand away. Furious with Jacob, Bella grabs hold of him and throws him out of the house. "You imprinted on my daughter?" Alex smirks at Emmett.

"The bet still on?" He nods and the two of them quickly walk outside.

"It wasn't my choice!"

"She's a baby!" Bella yells and Jacob looks at her pleadingly.

"It's not like that. You think Edward would let me live if it was?"

"I'm still debating it." Edward says loudly and both Emmett and Alex stiffle their laughs.

"I've held her once!" Bella yells. "One time, Jacob! And already you think that you have some moronic wolfy claim on her? She's mine!" Bella strikes Jacob hard in the face and Leah and Seth in their wolf form arrive just at the edge of the woods.

"It's fine, Leah." Jacob tells them but Bella stalks forward, pointing a finger towards him.

"You're gonna stay away from her."

"You know I can't do that." Bella punches Jacob hard in the stomach and he falls down.

"Stop her, Edward."

Edward waves off Esme's comment. "He said it's fine. She's amazing, right?" Alex looks over towards Edward and adores to look on his face, he is in complete awe.

"Do you remember how much you wanted to be around me 3 days ago? That's gone now, right?"

"Long gone."

"Because it was her. From the beginning it was Nessie who wanted me there."

"Nessie?" Bella shouts. "You nicknamed my daughter after the Loch Ness monster?" Bella moves towards Jacob in anger but Seth in his wolf form attacks her. Bella pushes him aside easily and he hits the tree before falling to the ground in pain.

"Seth, are you okay?" Jacob quickly turns to him but Seth whimpers in pain.

"Seth, I'm sorry."

Jacob tells her. "He'll be all right." He turns to Bella again "Bella, you know me better than anyone. All I want is for Ness..." He sees Bella get angry at the mention of her nickname. "Renesmee to be safe. Happy. Look, nothing ever made sense before. You. Me. Any of it. And now I understand why. This was the reason." Bella glares at him before stalking off.

"Well, that was something that bored me." Alex says with a fake yawn and Emmett winks at her.

Jacob sleeps on the couch, Jasper and Alex were softly muttering to themselves about their wedding and Bella and Edward watch from the window as some of the Cullen's come back after their hunt, Rosalie comes into the house first looking at Renesmee in Bella's arms.

"Finally. My turn." Bella gives Renesmee to Rosalie.

"Where does she sleep?" Bella asks and Rosalie smiles.

"In my arms. Or Edward's or Alex' or Esme's." Bella looks over towards Alex with curiosity but doesn't have the time to ask a question as Alice walks up to her.

"Happy birthday."

"I stopped aging three days ago." The new vampire softly mutters, feeling awkward that she might be older than the hundred year older vampire beside her.

"Well, we're celebrating anyway. So suck it up." Alice beams and holds out a key for Bella. The three of them walk away and Emmett sits down next to Alex.

"How long do you think they'll be gone?" He asks with a smirk and Alex laughs.

"How much will they break is the better question."

You guys, there are only a few more chapters left! How will I survive without this book to write and still so many witty one liners or heart breaking plots to write.

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