chapter 74

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"Is it okay if you leave her?" She hears shuffling on the other side of the phone. "We could meet up in Switzerland?" After all, her tours were never in Italy itself. That would be to suspicious.

"Yeah, Jake can take care of her. Besides, the other wolves will have to protect her. She's human." Alex hums in agreement.

"Well, tell Harvey that when we get back, we're going to eat, drink and party like royals. We deserve it."

"Are you okay?"

"I will be." She hums before walking into a bar. "You'll call me when you're there?"

"I will."

There were many humans at the airport and Peter and Alex couldn't be bothered with it. They ran at one another as if they hadn't seen each other in ages, but it was only for eight days.

"I missed you." They mutter at the same time as they hug each other close. Peter was glad to see a happy Alex, it wasn't always like that and certainly not after a tour. He takes in her scent, relishing in it. The whole house smelled of her when she left, as if it was the only thing that kept him sane. Of course Harvey was there and Jasper stayed for a few more days, but it wasn't his sister. His best friend.

"So how did Jasper take the news?" He wraps an arm around her as they walk to the exit. Her eyes light up at the mention of her fiancé.

"He's really happy that it's all over. I told him that we just had to go to Volterra to make sure that the deal is truly over and that I'd go to him straight afterwards. I'm sorry but I'm leaving you for a small while to have some quality time with him."

"Damn, and here I thought you'd always be mine." She looks up to him as she hails a cab.

"Always. You'll just have to share me."


"How about Israel?" Alex leans over to where he is sitting on the other side of the path.

"Oh yes," he writes it down. "And Greece?" She nods excitedly.

"But in the summer." Suddenly she frowns. "Do we still have that villa?" She whispers to him and he nods. "Great, Jasper can come."

He smiles at her excitement. They both were. After all, it had taken them ages to finally be free. To feel free. They had been discussing the places they would want to see again after such a long time and not feel watched. Just like they did before it all happened.

They had waited for as long as they could before entering Volterra. They were under the guidance of Dimitri and Felix. The latter she hadn't seen in a while and the first she had hoped to never seen again. Peter was softly chatting with Felix, the had been friends once.

"Alex," an amicable voice says. "Peter." Aro walks forward and Alex immediately stiffens. Peter grabs her hand and squeezes it reassuringly. "How wonderful of you to join us." He frowns and everyone listens as someone walks in. "Our conversation has to wait." Dimitri and Felix pull the two Spures to the side and up on the balcony.

They see Edward walking in and he starts to talk to Aro. Pleading for the man to kill him.

"Why would he do that?!" Seph mutters lowly in her brother's ear. The others couldn't hear her.

"Well if Bella.." they look at one another. "We would've heard." Peter concludes. His voice final.

They look back towards the conversation and listen in. Aro offers him a place at the guard, knowing of Edward's abilities but he declines, he just wants to die. He walks back out and Aro nods towards a few of the guard to follow him.

"What an asshole. Does he not remember his family!" Alex mutters as they walk back downstairs.

"What would you do if Jasper was dead?"

"Shut up." She mumbles. She didn't want to think about that. "I'd still have you and Harvey." He hums happily and wraps an arm around her. "That you do."

"Where were we," Aro stands up and walks forward, holding out his hand. They all knew that he wouldn't be able to see Alex' memories but Peter holds out his hand. That was what he wanted. It made Alex uncomfortable, he would see that Harvey was alive and that they were helping the wolves. They apparently already knew that she was engaged, so how would he not know the rest? Why would he need to see their memories? "Peter." He gladly says before taking his hand in his. Both of their eyes glaze over and Aro sighs happily. "You have both held up your end of the deal."

"We're free now right?" Peter asks softly and Aro nods.

"You are. Let us separate with a feast."

They gently declined the fresh blood that came in the form of humans but the Volturi had gone out of their way to secure the finest of wines and the best dining experience that there was to offer. The feast lasted all night and even halfway through the next day.

The Spure siblings were eager to separate themselves from the Volturi but knew that they had come so far, they wouldn't risk it by being impolite. Something that Volturi apparently knew. It was as if they were keeping the siblings there on purpose.

It was just a few minutes past twelve when everyone stood up and went to the main hall. The three kings on their seats and the Spure's were confused and they were pulled to the side. Hands rested on top of their arms and both became confused but even more uneasy.

Jane and Felix led in Alice, Edward and Bella. Alex takes in a deep breath. If this went sideways, she wouldn't be able to control herself.

Aro seemed delighted that Bella was indeed alive and curious that Edward couldn't read her mind. They wouldn't let Bella leave unless Edward wanted to change her. "But that is not your intention, is it?" Aro sighs. "Shame. Felix."

"Edward don't!" Alice shouts but Edward starts fighting Felix.

Alex rips herself free and joins him together with Peter. The three of them fight the guard until Bella shouts.

"No please!" Alice holds her back and Alex looks over towards Edward whose head is starting to crack slightly. "Do it, kill me!" This gives the guard enough time to grab Peter and Alex.

Aro looks intrigued. "You'd offer yourself for him?"

"I've seen it!" Alice suddenly walks forward, setting the remaining vampires on guard.

"Alice, don't." Edward mutters harshly. Felix let's go after a command of Aro and the Spures are held back by several vampires.

Alice holds out her hand and Aro grabs it. Both of their eyes glaze over and Aro starts to laugh. "Mesmerising." He mutters and waves to the three. "You can go." Aro tells the three in front of him. "You can't." Alice, Edward and Bella are pushed out of the hall and the doors are closed behind them.

"No!" Alex yells as they are both grabbed and dragged away from each other. "We are free."

"Aro, we had a deal." Peter looks at the black haired vampire and he simply ignores them and gives a nod to the vampires who are holding them.

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