chapter 94

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Jasper had left the room before Alex had even woken up in the morning. He had gone to throw Edward a stag party, together with Emmett, and came back around five in the morning. It didn't bother her when he climbed into the bed and she had woken up, she was glad to finally have him there.

It wasn't easy for her, to see Edward and Bella getting married. Alex knew that Bella would soon be changed and then she had to see the both of them for eternity. Though she had finally admitted to Bella what was wrong, she still felt hurt and pain every time she even thought of Bella. And now she would have to see her and look at her for a whole day.

"Rise and shine." Alex growls as Alice dances into the room and opens the curtains. "I let you sleep long enough. You have 2 hours to get ready. I hope it'll be enough." Alex narrows her eyes as she hears Alice mutter the last words but decides against a witty retort. It wasn't the time and certainly not the day. Today was about Bella.

Alex starts her routine of getting dressed and looks at the lilac dress that she was supposed to wear. The Cullen woman didn't all wear the same dress, but they were all the same color and it was a color that Alex couldn't admit out loud to be a beautiful color. It felt like admitting that Bella was okay.

Her mind starts to wonder and she imagined what it would be like if Pietro was still with them. They would be getting ready at their own house, taking their time. Joke with one another before looking at their sibling and smiling and saying that they either looked stunning or like shit. The latter would be another joke.

"You look beautiful." Alex turns around and sees her fiancé looking her up and down. His eyes flutter towards her face and Alex can see the worry appear on his face.

"I'm okay." She quickly says before grabbing a napkin and dabbing her eyes dry. She wasn't going to let this ruin her make-up, something she barely wore. "I just-.." she stops and he steps towards her.

"I know." He says and wraps his arms around her. She melts into his embrace and her arms find their way around his waist. "I miss him too." He suddenly says and Alex frowns. She had been so preoccupied with how she felt and avoiding Bella and Edward that she somehow had forgotten that Pietro touched others lives as well. She hadn't even talked to Emmett and Rosalie about it though they had been close to her brother.

She leans back and looks at him and a small apologetic smile appears on his lips. "Sorry, didn't want to make it about me." Alex shakes her head.

"Don't do that." He frowns and she chuckles. "Your feelings are just as valid as mine."

Jasper smiles and pulls her closer, closing the gap between their lips. Alex had come so far from the woman he had met just a few years ago. Where she once was angry and paranoid, she was now well.. still angry. But not paranoid anymore. She finally let people in. And Jasper was glad that he was the one she had let in.

"Ma'am," he begins as he leans back slightly. "Have I told you that love you?" A smile appears on her face and shakes her head.

"Can't recall." His face turns into one of mocking shock.

"Is that so?" She shrugs.

"Must be because you make me lose my mind." He narrows his eyes and playfully smiles at her.

"Ooh," he replies. "That is one hell of a way to begin this day." He wraps his arm around her and leads her towards the door. "Will you be my date?" He suddenly asks and Alex starts to laugh.

"I thought that was implied." She shakes her head while still laughing. "But yes, beats being Emmett's."

"Heard that." She hears from a room further down. Emmett pops his head out of the room and looks at the two with his full dimpled smile. "Your loss though Spure. I'm a catch." He walks out and shows that he is wearing the same tuxedo as Jasper was wearing. Both looking impeccably beautiful.

"Where's Rose?" Alex asks and Emmett nods to the other corridor.

"Helping Alice with Bella." Alex nods and she sighs deeply.

"Shall we?" Jasper asks while holding out his arm. Alex wraps hers in it and they start to walk.

"Well," Emmett yells after them. "Who am I now going with." Alex looks back and he still has a cheeky grin on his face.

"Maybe ask your wife." She shrugs. "Maybe she'll think that you're okay enough to go with." He flips her the bird and she is still laughing as Jasper and she walk outside. She stops as she sees the scene before her.

It was absolutely stunning.

Alex knew that there was a reason why Edward and Bella wanted the wedding at the Cullen household. It was after all the only place where the Cullens could feel like themselves. But Alice had outdone herself this time.

You could see that she had taken inspiration from the surrounding trees, stones, ferns, and everything else that grows in a forest.

The path towards the front where Edward would be waiting for Bella looked enchanted, as if from some sort of fairy tale. Wisteria is strung from the overhanging trees and greenery lines the aisle. The chairs were all set up neatly beside each other and had some white cloth on them. At the front stands an all-white floral arch. The grand centrepiece.

Alex had no words for it.

"I'll make sure Alice will tone it down for ours." Alex raises an eyebrow and looks over towards Jasper. "I know you think this is beautiful, it is. But I think I know you well enough to have the suspicion that there might be something else you'll like more."

Woohoo, the 100th part I put online on this book 😍 anyone have any ideas or suggestions? Please let me know because this book won't go on forever haha

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