chapter 034

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There had been nights where Peter had woken up from screams and crying in the room on the other side of the hallway. It was either that, or she hadn't even gone to sleep.

But last night was different. She finally went to bed without a care in the world. And his heart ached by the idea that he couldn't prevented it, but some other man could. But he knew that it wasn't up to him. She had been vulnerable and Jasper hadn't left until she was asleep safe and sound. He had offered the young man a drink but he refused, just wanted for Alex to sleep well for once. And Peter couldn't help but admit that it felt nice, for Alex to sleep softly.

Alex awoke at one in the afternoon to the smell of scrambled eggs. She followed the scent and made her way downstairs, not caring how she looked. "This smells amazing." She says to her brother as she sits at the stool by the kitchen island, watching him work his magic.

"Don't jinx it just yet." He mutters, making her laugh. "Slept well?" He looks at her and notices the well rested look. She nods and starts stretching, cracking a couple of limbs.

"I did."

"So how'd it go?" A teasing smile playing on his lips.

"It was nice." Her brother makes a sarcastic 'oeh' sound.

"Just nice? Not spectacular?" Alex rolls her eyes.

"It was comfortable." Peter nods before making his way towards the dining table. "Like.. we've known each other for ages." Peter scoffs.

"You have." Alex sighs. "You were just to pussy to do anything." She looks at him with raised eyebrows. "With good reason."

"Do you miss her?" Alex suddenly asks and Peter stops eating while he looks at his sister.

"Every day." He replies.

"Was she it?" She purses her lips at the way it sounds and he shrugs.

"I don't know, but I chose for her to be it at that time. I guess that's all it is. A decision to go for that person." Alex nods.

"How were you sure that she wouldn't hurt you?" Peter's face softens at the small and hurt voice.

"I wasn't. But that makes us human." He thinks of Spencer and nods. "I guess we just have to try and try again." Alex swallows her last bite and stands up.

"I told him that I don't take this lightly, so I guess that's a good start." Peter looks at his sister. "I want to get to know him better."

"Then go to him." Alex smiles and pecks her brother's cheek befor running upstairs.

"Will do!"


"How was it?" Alice asks her golden haired brother as he lays on his bed, thinking about the night before. He raises his head and notices that he had left the door open, again.

"It was amazing." He smiles at his sister who starts to squeel. "She's.." he tries to find the right words but can't find it.

"Amazing." Alice finishes and he nods. Alice had been his confidant, ever since she dragged him along to the Cullens. She sits by him. "So what now?" Jasper looks at her.

"What do you mean?" Alice shrugs.

"A date these days doesn't mean that you are boyfriend and girlfriend. She's a bit of a.." Alice stops talking as her eyes glaze over. Jasper puts his hand on her shoulder and looks around.

"Alice?" Jasper softly asks with a frown. The girl comes back to the earth and flutters her eyes before looking at him. "What'd you see?" Alice frowns. She didn't exactly know. She saw the Volturi and Edward, she was there, but this time she also saw Alex and Peter. Something she rarely did.

"Nothing spectacular." She smiles at her brother. "Now go to her and ask her." Jasper rolls his eyes before getting up.

"Is she your boyfriend already?" Jasper rolls his eyes at Edward.

"You see, because she's tougher than you." Jasper gasps at Emmett's explanation.

"My soon to be girlfriend can kick your ass, so I can sit back and watch."

Jasper sticks up his middle finger to the two brothers that are teasing him, he only had one goal in mind. Being exclusive with Alex, before she went and did something with someone. He walks over to the Spure household but stops in his tracks as he sees Alex walking in his direction, her head facing the ground. A habit - he had noticed - she had if she was thinking.

"Hey," he smirks as her eyes widen like a deer trapped in headlights and she looks up. "Didn't want to scare you ma'am." He notice her heart fluttering and slowly walks towards her.

"I came to see you." She quickly says and he looks at her with a smile.

"Is that so?" She nods. "I thought you came for one of those romantic walks with Edward." She rolls her eyes but chuckles at his expression. "Or were they to romantic?"

"No, he was the perfect gentleman." Alex teasingly replies. Jasper smiles at her and waits for her to go on. "I want to get to know you better." He frowns. "I feel like I've known you for a long time, but I want to know you personally." He nods and walks to her.

"Me too," he smiles at her and she wraps her arms around him, out of habit. He wraps his around her and she sighs in content. "Actually," he pushes her away slightly, making her look at him. "I was wondering if you'd want to be exclusive." His voice soft and she starts to smile.

"Mister Whitlock," her voice teasing. "Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?"

"Well if you'd want to put names on this."

"I do want to be exclusive with you."

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