chapter 020

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There was one thing that the siblings had always enjoyed. Going clubbing was the one thing that they had always done with the utmost joy. So when Alex told her brother that she was going, he was quick to jump in on the invitation. Both were ready to go and were getting in their vehicle when Peter stops and stares right past Alex. Jasper and Edward are standing on the edge of the driveway, waiting for the invitation to come closer.

"Where are you going?" Edward's voice holds a sincere interest and Peter and him strike up a conversation. Alex purses her lips as she is already sitting in the passenger seat. Jasper leans over the side and looks at her. She sighs and smiles at him.

"I thought you only drank with Peter?" She rolls her eyes.

"He is coming with me." Jasper chuckles, it was not what he meant and they both knew that. "But we gotta get going." She looks right past him at her brother and Edward looks at them.

"Are we okay?" Jasper raises an eyebrow at her and she nods. They were. Though not in the way that he might mean.

"Yeah, totally." She replies and he snorts, not believing her for one second. "Attractive." He smirks.

"Well, if that's what you like.. there's more where that came from." She rolls her eyes while a smile creeps unto her lips. She pushes him away while also closing the door.

"Bye Jasper."

The siblings start their way and Alex turns up the radio, already pumped to be going out. They had done this many times before but they hadn't gone since the Cullens had showed up. After all, they had promised to help Sam and they had wanted time for themselves. But this night was about forgetting everything for a moment, at least it was for Alex. For Peter it meant to have fun and it was a bonus that he could keep an eye on his sister. Though he knew that she would disappear and reappear as she'd like, certainly now he saw that she was struggling with her past. She had never been one to handle emotions well.

"Seattle?" He asks as she sings along to the radio. Her head moves and she looks at him, as if she hadn't seen him in ages. Her eyes sparkling with joy as she nods and lays her hand on top of his.

They arrive at their destination and they get out of the car. They both looked ready to let go of their stressers and they were going to do just that. Peter locks the car while Alex strikes up a conversation with the bodyguard. She had this way of always getting what she wanted.

A few drinks in and Alex starts to feel that she likes, moving the way that the music wants her too. She looks over to her brother and she smiles at the sight. He was finally letting go of the stress that has been building up the past year and enjoying the company of some girls. Alex catches the eye of one of said girls and the girl makes her way over to the female Spure sibling.

They start to dance and Alex grabs the girl's hand before twirling her around and slamming her back into Alex' chest.

"You always go after the sister?" Alex whispers in her ear as they sway to the beats and the girl turns around and smiles at her.

"Only when they're my type." Alex smirks at her. "Fiona." She introduces herself and awaits Alex' answer.

"Lexi." She replies. This was only for fun, she didn't have to give her real name.

"Well Lexi," Fiona begins. "Can I buy you a drink?" Alex' eyes brighten at the girl. It had been a long time since she had found someone to be so confident and she found herself liking it.

"I normally say no," Alex honestly replies. "But for this time, why not." Fiona disappears and Peter makes his way over to his sister.

"Well well well," Alex rolls her eyes at her brother. "You steal them away from me?" She chuckles.

"Now we're even." He starts to laugh as he remembers Matthew and he shoves her lightly.

"Don't take her home." He raises an eyebrow.

"I bet she has a really nice place of her own." Alex replies cheekily and he starts to laugh.

"Wanna bet that mine has a better house?" They shake hands and go back to searching for their respective dance partners.

"Here." Fiona hands Alex her drink and Alex' eyebrows raise in surprise. "I didn't think you'd be a cocktail kind of girl." Alex wraps an arm around the girl before taking a sip of the whisky.

"You have no idea."

The evening goes on like this and Alex looks around but can't find her brother. She chuckles to herself, he worked fast.

"Shall we take this someplace different?" Fiona murmurs after pulling the girl in front of her close and sharing a needy kiss.

"I don't want to give you the wrong idea," Alex honestly begins as she pushes the girl slightly back. "Only for tonight." Fiona smirks and grabs Alex' hand and pulls her along before looking back.

"Maybe also in the morning."


I have been waiting for this chapter since Jasper and Alex met. I know this is not what usually happens when someone is developing a relationship, but remember: Alex has been living centuries longer than Jasper has and knows what she likes and dislikes. Also, she has been hurt by men in the past so this is a way for her to cope.

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