chapter 101

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"We underestimated it, you know." Alex says as she hears someone walk through the front doors into the living room. She was staring out of the window. It was how she had spend the last few days. "Immortality I mean." She answers the unasked question of Jasper. He stands beside her and wraps his arm around her, but she doesn't lean into him like she used to.

"What do you mean darling?" He asks her softly, trying to feel whatever emotion she was feeling and calm her down but he found nothing but that. She was completely calm and it scared him slightly.

They had finally decided together that it would be a good time to go back to the Spure house. Alice and Esme had done their best to make sure that there was no dust, but that the smell would be the exact same way as it was left.

"When we found out about vampires we weren't scared." She begins. "We just didn't care, but when we found out we were werewolves, oh damn we were scared." She laughs slightly. "We were scared to die. It was the first time we turned when the thought of death welcomed us first." Jasper's heart aches for the girl next to him, he wanted to protect her from these thoughts. "And then when the vampires came.." her breathing stops for a minute as her heart starts to race. Jasper sees her eyes cloud as her mind has gone back in time. "We were immortal." Alex breathes out. She takes a small turn and looks at Jasper. "Immortal, can you believe it?" she starts to laugh. "We were invincible, still shaky and untrained, but invincible. You couldn't kill us, no one could." She turns back and the smile dissapears. "Or so we thought." The edges of her lips go up just a bit go Jasper to think that she thought back of a happy time.

"It's okay to feel this way," he begins, but never gets to finish.

"To feel like hell? Yeah, I might as well.." Alex sighs. "Since I'll never be there. Pietro won't be there either, he'll be in heaven. He was always a good guy. Trying to protect me, yet always caring what happened to others. Yeah, he definitely will be in heaven. When I die, I'll probably look up to him and see him happy. I hope he's happy now, I hope he sees Fran. They're both probably up there looking down on us, you know?"

Jasper hoped he had started to notice a pattern. She never spoke highly of herself, unless threatened. She was avoiding Bella so she wouldn't see her brother's death over and over, yet she was so happy for the newborn vampire and her family.

The Alex that he knew could be so protective yet also careless with what she spoke to whoever she was talking to. As if it didn't matter what the other thought. She was fiercely loyal and Jasper loved that about her, even if she had some certain behaviour before they were officially together.

There was no real pattern, he had just hoped to have figured her out. He'd never admit to anyone that she was the hardest riddle anyone could get, and never would he admit to sometimes thinking about giving up on understanding her. He would however, gladly admit that she was worth every single fight, every single breath, every single stupid argument and every single tear.

He was so caught up in his thoughts about the girl standing next to him, that he didn't even notice her smiling up at him in a loving gaze before leaving his side, letting his arm drop to his side and walking outside.

She wanted to catch a breath. To yell and scream out in pain. Something she had wanted to do for days now. She had been cooped up in the house for exactly five days and she was starting to lose her mind. Everywhere she saw him. She knew what he would say when she grabbed a certain outfit, what stupid joke he would tell when she was cooking his favorite meal and what he would be yelling to her if she instigated another fight.

She could hear him yell at her to man up and don't regret the past. To live with whatever things had happened and what had been done to her.

Just as she takes a deep breath to let out the loudest scream she would have ever released, she hears someone walking towards her. Her eyes darken and she growls before jumping towards the man and flooring him. She snarls at him and her eyes widen as she sees Emmett below her. She quickly lets go off him and moves back to where she bumps into Jasper who saw the whole ordeal.

"Just wanted to see if you were alright." Emmett mutters and jumps up, brushing the dirt off his clothes. "Didn't think you'd want to rip my clothes off." He smirks and Alex let's out a shaky laugh. Jasper holds Alex' hand as Emmett slowly walks towards her. "You okay?" She hums and looks around. Emmett's face softens as he notices the glance, she did that whenever she searched for her brother. They hadn't talked much but Alex and Emmett had something in common, they both missed a brother.

"I'm good." She whispers to Jasper, but mostly to herself. She gives him a kiss on the cheek and softly nods towards Emmett. Jasper nods and exchanges a look with Emmett who nods quickly enough that Alex can't see it.

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