chapter 012

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The sound of a large truck is heard and Alex raises her head from the magazine that she is reading. "I'll get it." She shouts at Mrs. Pawly before getting up and rushing towards the door.

There weren't many mornings that she worked in the apothecary, but she couldn't leave Mrs. Pawly with no help all week. Since she didn't come in Monday, she thought of returning the favor on Friday morning.

"Goede morgen Gert," she says as she opens the door for the man. "Fine morning isn't it?" They both look up at the sky and see the clouds that held none to a small amount of rain.

"You're right about that Alex." He chuckles as he opens the truck and they both start unloading it. Together they grab a cup of coffee and start to chat.

In the few mornings that Alex had worked, Gert always was the truck driver. He came from The Netherlands, married an American woman and here he was. He had taught her a few words, such as good morning and he always liked to hear it in her accent.

"Well, I'd better run so I'll be off earlier." He laughs as he gets up and waves at her.

"Have a nice day." She smiles at him before closing the door.

After unpacking the new products and opening the shop for Mrs. Pawly she notices the time.

"You go right ahead dear." The woman says as she hugs the girl. "Tuesday?" Alex nods and grabs her bag. She turns around to wave at the woman but she's already gone. She shrugs and leaves the shop, driving towards the school.

She places her car on her regular parking spot, the third space from the right. Eyes watch her as she whistles while getting out and walking towards the entrance, waving at her brother as she makes her way to him.

"You're doing good." He chuckles as she smiles at him.

"I've been sleeping like an angel the last week." She smiles at him and interlocks their arms as they make their way to their first class.

Friday was the only day where they had half the day off - the morning - and a few of the Cullens the afternoon. Two hours they had interlocked classes with a few of them, Jasper the last one as the rest was already free. Apparently they trusted the Spures enough to keep an eye on him in Religious Studies. Alice was nowhere to be found, yet Jasper sat in Peter's seat making Alex roll her eyes with a laugh before she sits next to him.

"Alice MIA?" she asks as she places her notebook and books on the table. He nods as he looks at her notebook.

She had color coded everything. Which parts were important, numbers, names, which parts she found difficult to learn. He slightly frowns at this but quickly looks away before she notices him staring at it.

"She wanted to get a certain dress." He says with a shrug. "And apparently it's better when it's priced off?" He looks at her with raised eyebrows and she laughs softly.

"It is, makes it better." The teacher lays down his work and Alex quickly turns to Jasper. "Does it have pockets?"

"Oh my God, how did you know?" His eyes wide with playfulness. She elbows him softly before focusing on what the teacher is saying. She feels his eyes on her and knows the smirk on his face is evident.

The teacher is halfway through the class and Alex' eyebrows are furrowed while she writes along with whatever he is saying. Jasper keeps an eye on her, noting what she finds hard to understand, rememering it and finding a way to explain it to her.

Alex' eyes widen and she sits upright as her nostrils flare slightly. She looks to the side and sees Jasper watching her in confusion before the scent hits his nose. Blood. Suddenly they both understood why Peter had been looking in their direction a few times. Alex puts her hand on Jasper's fist and keeps looking at him.

She puts her hand up and the teacher looks at her. "Yes?"

"I don't feel so good, is it okay to bring someone so I can go home safely?" The teacher nods and looks at Peter but Jasper and Alex are already out of the door. "Follow me." She orders him and he follows her right into the car. He sighs deeply as she starts to speed away.

His eyes darken and he looks around the small town, noticing blood everywhere. He holds his breath as the scent tries to make its way to him. Alex knows how it goes, if you smell just a drop, you smell it all the time until you're at a safe place.

"You need a break, I know a place we can go." She mutters and he looks at her before noticing the speed. "Don't get scared on me now homeboy." A small smile spreads across his lips.

"Where?" He asks, immediately stopping his breathing afterwards.

"I got a house on the lake." She replies as she stops the car by her house before speeding inside and grabbing a full bag and throwing it in Jasper's arm.


Carlisle paces through his study with a frown. Alex reminded him of someone yet he couldn't put his finger on it. The romanian accent, the freedom she expressed.

"Are you okay?" Esme asks as she peaks around the doorway. She frowns at her husband and walks up to him, and lays a hand on his shoulder, trying to get his attention. His head snaps up. "Are you okay?" Carlisle looks down at his wife lovingly before nodding. "What are you thinking about?"

"The Spures." He sighs before falling into his seat. "I can't find the connection." They hear footsteps and Carlisle looks up, but suddenly sees the painting before him.

"That is what I wanted to tell you." Edward says as he hears the thought of his adopted father. "I don't exactly know what or how, but they're connected to the Volturi." Carlisles frowns before his eyes widen.

"Where is everyone?"


"You want to ride me?" Alex cheekily asks, trying to get smile out of the boy. He rolls his eyes at her attempt to cheer him up. "I meant as a wolf, but if you want.." a short laugh leaves his throat before nodding.

"Let's go."

"Well, we need the bag so put it on please." He does as told before she sighs deeply and focuses on turning.

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