chapter 62

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Harvey finally agreed to come down earlier. He didn't like the rain, he despised it. But he knew that this was something that they'd had to do together. He had promised to help her with her own problems but she knew that Peter would come first to him.

"He's going to help you?" Jasper murmers against Alex' hair and she closes her eyes at the feeling.

"He and Peter have this.. bond. I can't really explain it." Jasper nods and sets another piece on the chess board. He was winning easily but he made deliberate choices so she'd win, like she almost always did. He did whatever he could these days.

"Why'd it take him so long?" Jasper moves one of his pawns in front of her queen, making her smile as she immediately takes it down. He doesn't act on the fact that he could take her queen down and just makes another move.

"Harvey's gone away a few times." Alex bites the inside of her cheek. "Just not this long, not without one word from where he could be." Jasper nods, she had told him this already but he was patient. He told some stories three times as well, just for the fun of it. "I'm kind of scared that the Volturi will find out." Jasper's eyes snap towards her and he frowns. He hadn't heard this part before but he should've guessed. They had a history.

"So when is he coming?"

"I'm picking him up tomorrow afternoon. Want to come?" He shakes his head and leans over, kissing her head.

"That's something you have to do yourself, I'll meet him later."


Jasper could tell when she slept uneasy and helped whenever he could to ease her anxiety. It meant she slept easily for a few nights now and she couldn't be more grateful though she didn't know how to tell or express that to him. He even made her breakfast to go so she wouldn't be too late to pick up Harvey. It had her smiling the whole way to Seattle airport.

There were still moments where she didn't know if he would stay with her or not, but she was slowly getting over the hurt from the past and giving herself to Jasper fully. Something that he appeared to be doing as well.

Got a full tank?

Alex frowns at the text and replies with a no, quickly gaining her a second text.

Fill it before you pick me up.. we gots to go immediately.

"Want to tell me why I had to fill up the tank?" Alex asks as she hugs the large man while he picks her up and spins her around. She gestures towards the right - she had parked her car there - and they make their way towards it, gently going through the crowd.

"I think I know where he is. I'll drive." He opens the backdoor, throws in his bags and settles behind the wheel. "Are you coming with?" He chuckles at the visible shake of Alex' head to get herself back to reality before she sits down beside him and he speeds away, going a different direction than Forks.

"And where exactly is this?" He purses his lips and smiles lightly at her.

"You'll see." It didn't settle her nerves one bit and Harvey knew. "So you getting along with those Cullens?" Alex chuckles at his attempt to reassure her and she nods. "They're really nice."

"Really nice? That's not what I understood from Peter when he talked about you and Jasper." She rolls her eyes and pushes him slightly. "Just wanted to know which one to rough up."

"He has a pretty big brother who'd protect him." Though she knew that Emmett probably would watch and if he could eat, have a bowl of popcorn for the show.

"I am pretty strong."

"He also has a really strong girlfriend."

Harvey smiles at her slight protective nature and raises a teasing eyebrow. "Girlfriend yes?"

"Oh my god," she laughs. "Stop. This is awkward." He sticks out his tongue and looks forward once more. Alex leans back and puts her feet on the dashboard, looking outside for entertainment besides the radio.

It took a while but Alex frowns as she remembers the way as they go there once more. "They rebuild it?" She softly asks and Harvey winces at the pain in her voice. It had been a dark time for her and though she didn't like to talk about it, both Harvey and Peter remember the way she looked when they pulled her out of the burning building.

Almost a thousand dancing bodies swerve to whatever the DJ plays. He let's them move in the way he wants them too and he knows how the vampires wanted.

"Yeah." He bites his lip to stop himself from commenting further and he just waits. He waits on whatever reaction she was going to give. "Are you okay?" He looks over and sees her daze. They weren't the best memories, yet somehow those always stuck out the most.

The humans didn't see it coming and Alex looks around hastily as terrified screams echo through the building. "What is going on?" She asks one of her friends but sees what is happening as he bites in someone's neck.

It hadn't taken long before Alex returned to herself, but it had taken long for herself to be okay with what she had done.

"We can't let him stay there for too long." She simply states. "He'll despise himself." He had said multiple times that he didn't want human blood, yet here he was.

Alex bites her lip as they offer her someone. She never had a wanting taste towards humans but there was a part of her that didn't want to resist, that wanted to give in and drink as much blood as she wanted.

Too bad that she listened to that voice.

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