chapter 65

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Three days. Three whole days. That was left of their infinite time together.

"I'm sorry that I'm not around much." Alex says as she kisses the head of her brother.

"I understand." She stops in her tracks, looks at the apple in her hand and smiles.

"I guess you understand better than any other." He nods and salutes her, knowing that she would be off to see the man she loved.

Peter was going to go to school. He and Edward were the only ones that had showed up the last few days and rumors were already flying through the whole school public.

But Edward hadn't told Bella yet and he was supposed to this afternoon. After that, Jasper and Edward would go to the others who were staying at the Denali's for the time being.

Both Jasper and Alex were already dreading the next day, it would be the first day without one another. But they were adamant in making things work and that was why they had been spending the three days with each other. Jasper chose something to do for the first day and Alex had to admit, she would never have come up with going paintballing. Jasper did feel kind of sorry because eve  though Alex may be almost invincible, she could still bruise. That was why the second day was a day in (also because whatever Alex had planned couldn't be done that day) and they spend the day on the couch with horrible movies to make sure that they were laughing.

"Harvey is trying to get a teaching job at the school." Jasper raises an eyebrow and holds back a chuckle. "What?"


"Yes well, he's older looking than the rest of us.. though technically he's younger."

"Has that man ever had a job?" Alex purses her lips as she stops herself from laughing. No, he did not. "It's nice that he wants to be close."

"Well it's a double job now." Jasper leans his head backwards and looks at his girlfriend. "He was supposed to come and help me, and now he has to help Peter as well."

She was untying the rope that held the boat they were going to spend their last day on. She had already steered it underneath a few bridges and she had quickly tied it when they had to wait for the sluice and she did everything when they were in it as well.

Jasper couldn't help but stare in awe at the focus that his girlfriend had when she was in her role as captain. It might've been a small ship but he knew that she had commandeered larger vessels.

He didn't know about her ability to command and steer ships but he wasn't surprised when she told him. The matter of the fact was, they both had long lives before meeting one another and it would probably take a while to know everything and every story.

"How's Peter?" Jasper softly asks as they make their way towards the opening and she leans back into him slightly.

"He's.. better. I guess." A small smile graces her lips. "He's awfully kind these last few days, hasn't dared to say a bad word to me." Jasper chuckles and wraps his arms around her as she stands behind the steering wheel and he sits on the chair behind her.

"Well, how could he ever?" He mutters in her ear and she scoffs.

"Have you even met the man?" Jasper chuckles. "He's a talking curse word."

"You're one to talk." A smile curls her lips and she turns around, placing his hands on the steering wheel.

"Whatever do you mean." He looks past her and he gently steers the boat towards the ongoing stream. He has done this before a few times.

"You weren't too kind when I met you." Alex laughs and looks into the golden pools that are supposed to be eyes.

"And you were an annoying prick."

"An annoying prick?" Alex nods and bops his nose. "I distinctly remember you going away every chance I found to talk to you."

"First of all, that should've been a clue." Jasper raises eyebrow at the obvious lie. "Secondly, you're sounding like a stalker. You're still not that much worse than Edward though." She turns around and leans back into him. "I hope he lets her down gently." It wasn't as if she particularly cared for Bella, but she did know how it could feel if the love of your life suddenly isn't what he seems or disappears.

"We both know him, so let's not get our hopes up." Alex lets out a sad chuckle at this truth, Edward was not one to be gentle.

"Are you okay?" Alex suddenly asks and she feels Jasper stiffen slightly.

"What do you mean?"

"I know you blame yourself easily-.."

"Well it was my fault."

"-..and you should know that there is no blame. Maybe towards Edward. But then again, who the fuck would think that a normal young woman would oblige to coming towards a house with like eight vampires."

"And you're saying he curses a lot." Alex snorts as she hears Jasper say that. "Whatever happened, happened. I'm okay." He wasn't, and they both knew it. They also both knew that Alex was aware of this. "Let's enjoy today." He kisses her temple and a soft sigh leaves her lips. "When are you coming to the Denali's?"

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