chapter 76

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"Come on sister!" Pietro laughs as he runs up the mountain. They had promised one another to not use their actual speed. "I didn't know you had become such a slow poke."

This angers Alexandra and she tries even more to keep up with him, or even get further ahead.

"I'm sorry for not exercising." She yells at him. "It is not in my nature to run for fun." She grumbles and he laughs as she jumps at him and they tumble down the part of the mountain that they had climbed.

"It is in your nature, you just don't want to." He helps her up and she smiles at him. They had scratches everywhere from the branches that they had fallen through. "Let's get a drink."

"Now that is in my nature." He wraps an arm around her and they walk to the nearest pub. The inside was dark and gloomy, just the place that they liked. If someone were to pick a fight with either of them, that was the highlight of their day.

"Two beers." Pietro orders while Alex finds a booth for them to sit in. She always liked the far end where she could scan the crowd every once in a while. Her brother walks up to her and the clink their glasses together.

"You won fair and square."

"And you," he takes a sip before pointing his glass at her. "Are a sore loser." Alexandra rolls her eyes. "Good thing there weren't any game boards laying around." They start to laugh and Alex shakes her head.

"Where off to next?"

"I was wondering if maybe we could stay here for a while." Pietro mutters and Alexandra purses her lips while looking over to someone.

"She's beautiful." She utters and Pietro chokes on his drink.

"Wha-.." he looks over his shoulder. "Who?"

"As if I don't notice your looks, my brother." She motions towards the beautiful lady behind the bar. "She's really beautiful." Alexandra tilts her head lightly at the dark haired woman. She had her curly hair in a loose bun and everywhere were small curls hanging loose. "Did you talk to her yet?"

"I don't know-.."

"Don't act stupid."

"No," he sighs before glancing over his shoulder. "I haven't." Alexandra looks at the woman again before Pietro slams his hands on the table and stands up. "Got to pee."

"Ever the gentleman." Alexandra laughs at him but takes the time to walk up to the woman. "Madam?" The woman walks over to her with raised eyebrows, as if to ask what drink she would like. "Two more beers please." The woman nods and starts making the drinks. "May I ask for your name?"

"Is that for you or the man that you are with?" Alexandra smiles at the quick reply and nods.

"Bit of both. He is my brother and I like to look out for him."

"Isolde." The woman behind the bar replies and hands Alexandra the drinks. "What are yours?"

"Alexandra and Pietro."

"Well, Alexandra, how would you and Pietro like to go to a party?" Alex smirks and nods.

"I'll drag him along if I have too."

The party was not what Alexandra had imagined. She hadn't told Pietro that it was Isolde who had invited them or that Isolde would even be there. But she had not imagined such a fancy party - with way more fancy dresses than Alexandra was wearing - coming from the woman behind a bar in a sloucy cafe.

"How did you know about this?" Alexandra shrugs.

"Overheard it yesterday."

They walk inside and look around. The place was gorgeous. Candles were lit everywhere and the large ball room was decorated with the most wonderful paintings.

"I'll go fetch us a drink." Alexandra says and hastens towards the so called bar. Men were looking her way and she felt disgusted, knowing exactly what their thoughts were. Women these days wore corsets and it amplified their bottoms and their breasts. Waiters were going all around but she knew that for the heavier drinks, she had to be at the bar and she was the only one inbetween the men there.

"Hello." One of the older man says to her and she smiles sweetly at him.

"Goodbye." She grabs two glasses of whisky and returns to where she left her brother. "They're awful." She motions towards the men with her head and he laughs at her.

"You were the one, adamant on going to this party."

"Yes well-.." Alexandra looks around and notices Isolde. She was even more beautiful than yesterday. Her hair was pinned up perfectly and two curls accentuate her cheekbones. She was wearing a blue dress, and no corset. Just like Alexandra leaves Pietro behind who looks at her confused. "Care to explain why you work-.." Isolde places a hand over Alexandra's mouth before linking their arms and walking away. Politely smiling at the people around them.

"They do not know." Alexandra looks at her confused.

"They must wonder why you are gone every evening." Pietro and Alexandra had been there for two months and spend every night at the same cafe, the one where Isolde worked.

"They don't notice." Isolde looks politely at men and women walking past. "I need money of my own if I want to leave." Alexandra knew the look that Isolde held. She had helped enough women to recognise it.

Later she would come to know that one of them was a friend of Rosalie's. But that was way further along the way. She hadn't even met Rosalie yet.

"Please, let me introduce you to my brother." Alexandra pulls Isolde along towards where her brother was still standing. "Pietro!" He looks over to them and his mouth opens a bit in awe. "I want you to meet Isolde." He holds out his hand for her and she places her hand in his. He gently kisses it and smiles up at her.

"Isolde. What an enchanting name for an enchanting woman."

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