104th Training Corps

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The sun beamed down on you, making the top of your head feel like it was on fire. You stood tall, your back straight, your fist clenched and held against your chest. Your face was relaxed, your mouth straight, and your eyes staring straight in front of you. You tried not to make any eye contact with the other cadets around you, but you felt their presence.

The cadet in front of you was tall with dirty blonde hair. He stared straight ahead, but there was a smug look on his face. You rolled your eyes as you looked slightly above his head.

You could hear the footsteps of the commander approaching. He stopped in front of a cadet and began shouting. "Hey, you! Who the hell are you?!" You looked out of the corner of your eye to see that Shadis had stopped in front of a small, blonde haired kid.

"Armin Arlert, from Shinganshina District!" The boy had a high-pitched voice, almost like a squeal. "That's a ridiculous name! Did your parents give it to you?!" You kept your eyes on the boy as he trembled before Shadis. "My grandfather did, Sir!" You felt bad for the kid as he continued to get interrogated by Shadis.

"Why are you here?!" Shadis leaned in to the boy as Armin stared straight ahead, his fist on his chest. "To help humanity achieve victory!" You smirked at the kid's response. He may have been small, but he was determined. "That's wonderful. We can feed you to the titans!" Shadis stepped back and placed his hand on Armin's head.

Shadis forced him to turn around and then continued down the row of cadets. You didn't pay as much attention to the next boy. Thomas Wagner from Trost District. Nothing about him seemed special, just another person trying to get into the Garrison or the Military Police Brigade.

The one after that was a girl, Mina Carolina. She was petite, almost pathetic standing before Shadis. He crouched down and yelled straight in her face. "No! You're from a pigsty! You're less than livestock!" Shadis' remarks were harsh and you were almost hoping he would skip you.

He was skipping some people, based off of how they held themselves. You could tell from their faces that they had gone through something and were tough. "Fourth row! Face about!" The cadets in the row quickly turned around and Shadis made his way towards the row where you stood.

"Who the hell are you?!" Shadis finally made his way to the guy in front of you. "Jean Kirstein, from Trost District!" You focused on the boy as he stood before Shadis. "Why are you here?!" You looked at Jean, to see his expression change to show off his true, stuck-up character.

"To join the Military Police Regiment and live in the interior!" You rolled your eyes at his expected response. "Oh. You want to live in the interior, do you?" Shadis raised his eyebrows at Jean. "Yes!" Jean smiled, but Shadis quickly forced his forehead into Jean's.

You tried to hold in a laugh as Jean crumpled to the ground, holding onto his forehead. "Who said you could sit?!" Shadis looked down on him as Jean placed his head on the ground. "If you can't handle this, you can forget about the Military Police!" Shadis walked away from the quivering Jean and onto the next cadet.

"Who the hell are you and why the hell are you here?!" Shadis stopped in front of a dark-haired boy, with freckles. His eyes were bright with hope and a big smile on his face. "Marco Bodt of Jinae, on the south side of Wall Rose!" You almost smiled looking at the boy. "I want to join the Military Police Regiment and give life and limb to the king!" His smile shone brightly, even as he stood before Shadis.

"I see. That's a fine goal, indeed. Go ahead and strive for it. But just so you know... the king doesn't want your lousy life or limbs." Marco's smile quickly vanished as Shadis hovered over him. "You're next! Who the hell are you?" Shadis moved onto the boy standing next to Marco.

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