Assassin's Bullet

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"Everybody in! They've got nothing to take down an airship!" Jean shouted out as you and the others shot up to the airship. You looked down below as you swung in the wind. The soldiers were down below scurrying about. "Y/N. Go on in the airship!" Jean shouted to you and you nodded your head as you pulled yourself towards the door of the ship.

You climbed up into the airship and Connie reached out his hand. You grabbed a hold of your hand and dragged you into the airship. "Thanks." You turned around to see Jean right behind you. You and Connie both held out your hands and Jean launched himself into the airship.

"Who's left?" Jean crouched down by the door as he held onto your hand. "We're still waiting on Lima Squad." You looked out of the airship door. "As far as we know, there are six causalities." Sasha spoke as she came up behind you three. "Shit." Jean gritted his teeth and you heard more footsteps behind you.

You turned to see Floch making is way towards you guys. "That's nothing compared to the damage we did! It's a hug victory!" He raised his fist in the air as you and Jean exchanged disgruntled looks. "The New Eldian Empire's first battle ends in victory!" There came a chorus of cheers from the recruits behind Floch.

You and your squad sat in silence as you looked at Floch and the others. "Tonight, we celebrate in honor of our six fallen heroes!" Floch continued to blab on as you stood up with Connie. You looked down at Jean, who was clearly bothered. "First battle, huh? How many more until the fighting ends?" Jean spoke softly to himself and you rested your hand on his head.

"Just focus on right now, ok?" You said as you turned to Connie and he walked towards you guys. He pulled you all into a hug, your face pressed between Jean's and Connie's. "Anyways, I'm glad we survived again. It's not fair to the others, but you guys are special... to me." Connie tightening his grip on you guys.

You felt the tears start yo well up in your eyes as you heard the seriousness of Connie's voice. "That hurts, idiot. Don't hug us with hard-ass gear." Jean scoffed and Connie pulled his arms away form you. "Excuse me, Jean?! You're the idiot for always fussing over your tiny-ass beard!" Connie raised his voice and you and Sasha held back your laughs.

"Huh??" Jean turned back to Connie, a frown on his face as he looked between Connie and you. "That's right! Why grow a beard if you can't eat it?" Sasha giggled, earning a glare from Jean. "Huh?!" Jean exclaimed and you brought your hand to brush over his beard.

"Aren't we eating soon?" Sasha whined, holding onto her stomach. "Not until we get back to the island." You said as you pulled your hand back from Jean. "Great, how am I going to live." You all stood up and walked towards the crowd that had gathered. You frowned as you watched Floch still talking and the other's listening.

"Did you hear that sound just now?" Sasha looked to you and Jean as she turned back to look at the opened door. "hey! Quiet down!" Jean shouted at the group, but they didn't seem to hear. "Make some noise! Victory!" Someone shouted and the crowd erupted again.

"Isn't Lobov still out there?" You heard Connie ask Jean. "I think he came aboard." Jean said, right as a loud noise came from behind you all. You quickly whipped around, your eyes wide open as you spotted the girl that had boarded the ship. You didn't have time to react before a shot went off from her gun.

You stood there stunned as Jean pushed your behind him. You heard Sasha's gasps as you turned around to see her hit the ground. It was completely silent as you stared down at Sasha's body lying on the ground. "Sasha!" You cried out and ran over, collapsing next to her.

You grabbed onto her side as more shots went off and you turned to see Jean having his gun raised to the girl, and the boy that had just appeared. The recruits ran towards the kids, yelling and Connie came running towards you and Sasha. "Hey! Sasha!" Connie shouted as he grabbed onto her face.

"Sasha! Sasha!" All you could do was yell out her name as you grabbed onto her hand. Tears dripped down onto her and the ground. You began to shake as you noticed the pile of blood that had appeared underneath her. You could barely see her face as you eyes clouded up with your tears.

Jean came next to you, kneeling down besides Sasha's body. You could hear his unsteady breathing as he looked down at her. "You're so... damn loud..." Sasha muttered as her eyes stared up at the ceiling. "Are we... eating soon?" She asked weakly. "We've got to stop the bleeding! Get bandages now!" Jean shouted as you and Connie hovered over Sasha.

"Please! Just make it to the island!" You said as the blood began to pool at your knees. "Meat..." Sasha whispered as her body went limp and her beath slowed. Recruits came running up with bandages and began to wrap her body. Jean stood up and walked away from the scene.

You turned to see him gripping the sides of his head as he stared down at the floor. You sat there, still shaking as you looked at Sasha's body.

Everything was silent, as all you could focus on was Sasha. You could hear words, but you couldn't comprehend them. You looked to see Floch holding onto the two kids that had boarded the ship. Jean moved his hands away from his head and placed them on the walls of the ship.

Jean disappeared with the kids as you and Connie stayed with Sasha. "Sasha? Sasha?" You crawled towards her and grabbed onto her hand. "Sasha!" You screamed out as you began to choke on your tears. You pressed your fingers to the side of her neck. Nothing. No pulse.

"C-Connie-" You looked over to him and he slowly stood up. He made his way over to the room Jean and the two kids had entered. Mikasa and Armin came running out towards Sasha's body. As you held onto her hand, they gathered around her. "Sasha!" They both yelled as their tears dripped down onto her face.

You sobbed hysterically as you buried your face into your knees, refusing to let go of her hand. The airship was silent except for the cries and shouting of you and your comrades. Sasha was gone. Her hand was already beginning to turn cold as you gripped it tightly in your shaking hands.

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