The Rumbling

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The ship had docked in the south, which was now deserted by it's residents. You closely followed Jean, basically stepping on his heels as he walked towards the flying boat. It had a huge fabric cover over it, which Jean had already begun to reach for.
"Remove the cover, hurry!" Jean said as he grabbed the cover along with Connie and Reiner. You joined in, firmly, grasping the cover. "Dammit these explosives are in the way." Connie said, running his hands along the bright, red sticks.
"Just cut them off and toss them." Reiner said but was soon contradicted by Armin.
"We should be able to use them. Let's load them on the flying boat." Armin ran his fingers along the explosives too. He looked to you for reassurance, and you gave him a small nod.
"You sure you want to do all this work?" Jean began to roll up his sleeves, just pushing them past his elbows. You could feel your cheeks start to blush as you took a minute to look over him. He reached out his arm, gently tucking your loose hair behind your ear, while giving you a soft and gentle concern to look. "Trust me I'll be fine. It doesn't seem like a lot of heavy work."
You know he was just trying to be thoughtful, so you try to not take it as an insult of not being able to do a lot of heavy work, even though you did a lot more work in the survey corps.
One by one you, Jean, Connie, and Reiner began to move the large fuel containers from on the ship into the warehouse the flying boat was in. You gripped the top of the container, trying to lift it up, but realizing it was a lot heavier than it seemed. The best way to go about it was to lift it up a little bit and scoot it along the floor. You could feel Jean's eyes watching you, as you were the first one to begin to move the containers. There was several of them that needed to be moved in by the end of it you had moved at least three. Jean was moving the last one as you, Reiner and Connie stood by a sweating and panting from moving them back-and-forth.
"This is all the fuel we have on the ship." Jean said placing the last container along the wall. Onyankopon who is working on the ship, looked back to Jean obviously dealing with his own difficult task of repairing the flying boat. "Go ahead and leave it there." You looked up at the flying boat as the other men worked hard to get it up and running.

Soon enough, the flying boat was just about done. You still along your comrades, but especially close to Jean. Onyankopon, called to Hange, to tell them that the flying boat was almost ready to depart. Hange turned to your group you heard them and each of you inspect your gear. "Yes commander!" You all said back as you began to rustle with your gear. You checked each of the straps, making sure everything is in place and there was no room for error. Jean did the same and as soon as he was finished, he turned to you watching as you ran your hands along the straps on the ODM gear, as if he was worried that there would be a fault in yours.
You all looked over at Levi as he began to handle the gear with his severely injured head. His index and middle finger right both missing, leaving him only with the his ring finger to hold down the trigger and his thumb and pinky to hold the handle "two fingers is all I need I'm ready." He said as he looked up at you all.

After the rest of you all got ready, you are all set in front of the flying boat, preparing to say your goodbyes to Annie as she stood off the side. "Annie take care!" Armin and the others said as you watched her say goodbye to Reiner. "To be honest, I was relying on her." Jean said to you and Connie as you stood off the side and watched her walk away.
"Come on Y/N." Jean said as he grabbed your hand and walked towards the flying boat with the others. You all stood around impatiently waiting for them to be done with the repairs. You were lost in your thoughts as you looked at the flying boat, admiring the metal and all the power that it held, until your thoughts were interrupted by several gunshots. You could feel the hair rise on your neck as you quickly turned around. Out of instinct, Jean had grabbed you, holding him close to him, since he didn't know what the throat was. All you could see was Mikasa running towards whoever was taking the shots. As you looked at the direction, all you could see was a tuft of reddish hair. 

"Floch." You said under your breath even before you approached the body. Mikasa had driven one of her ODM gear wires into his neck, causing severe bleeding. Blood had already pooled on the ground next to Floch as he laid motionless. "Don't tell me you close all to the ship all the way here." Hange kneeled down next to his body, surveying his condition. "Hange!" Onyankopon called for them as they placed their hands on the flying boat. "There are holes in the fuel tank. We can't fly like this." You turn to look at the three bullet holes that had now appeared on the side of the fuel tank. You looked worriedly at Hange as they looked at the holes. Onyankopon had inspected the holes, running his hands over them as somebody ran towards the flying boat, "We can quickly seal them. Then we'll be fine." He said as they soon got to work.
It was now a waiting game as you all sat around as they began to repair the holes. "I heard them say about an hour." You said to Jean as you watch them work on the boat. Out of nowhere you could feel the ground beneath you begin to shake and soon everything around you followed suit. "Jean." You can clung close to him as you struggled to stand up straight. The others began to huddle around Floch. You couldn't make out what he was saying but soon his eyes went dead, no longer giving him any life. Hange had closed his eyes before you all had it out through the opening of the warehouse.
"I can stay behind and slow them down." Armin said as you all looked at the Titans beginning to storm over to you. "No you stay here I'll be the one to do it." Reiner said with a confident look. "That is out of the question. How do you walked from the warehouse to your small group? We can't afford to use lose more titan power. I'm taking responsibility for the friends of comrades that we have killed." Hange specifically walked up to Armin placing their hand on their shoulder. "Armin Arlert, I hereby designate you the 15th commander of the scout regiment."
You were stunned as you listen to Hange's words. "And that's all. See you everyone." Hange begin to walk away their last words going to Levi before heading off towards the Titans. "The holes are sealed start fueling! Hurry!" You could hear them call from inside and everyone began to hurry. You stood there stunned and Jean had to grab onto you leading you towards a flying boat. You all helped pushed it out into the opening getting it started before the propellers were fully engaged. 

Jean wrapped his arms around your waist, hoisting you up into the flying boat. He soon followed close behind you his hands not moving from your waist the entire time. You all sat quietly tears streaming down your faces as you stared out the windows of the flying boat at Hange. You could feel it a knot in your throat as you watched Hange's body fall from the sky engulfed in flames. You close your fist, not bearing to watch the sight anymore. Jean covered the size of a face with his hands, burying his face into your back.
It all felt surreal as you left on the flying boat no longer able to see Hange's body.

I Fell For You (Jean x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon