The Warrior

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"Look, over there!" Jean pointed to the kid laying in the middle of the street. You recognized the boy as Falco, the one who had gotten on the airship with the girl who shot Sasha. "Jesus, we have to help him!" You looked at Jean as he scanned the area.

Without a second thought, he jumped off the roof towards the unconscious boy. You watched as Jean picked him up, bringing him up to the roof with you and Connie. Jean sat down on his knees, pulling the boy into his lap. "It's over. I never thought he'd slaughter everyone beyond the walls." Jean sat in front of you as Armin and Mikasa joined you on the roof.

"Once they die off, so will all the hate." Jean finished tying the cloth in Falco's mouth. You stared down at the kid, the scars extending from his eyes. "What the world feared more than everything has happened. All because they labeled us devils and tried to slaughter us." Jean's eyebrows furrowed as he looked down at Falco.

It was hard to believe that this young of a kid now had the powers of a titan. "In other words, this is something they brought upon themselves. There's nothing we could do, right?" Jean looked up at you, his face changing from worry to sorrow. "This is going too far. It's genocide." You shook your head as you looked over to the titans marching behind the large skeletal structure.

"Then do we stop Eren? He opposed Zeke, who wanted to castrate us with his euthanization plan." Jean spoke up, looking away from you as he spoke. "He opposed preserving the Founding titan by sacrificing Historia. He's sacrificing the people outside the walls to protect us." Jean looked to everyone.

You looked around at the others, who's eyes were wide with fear. As you focused on their faces, you were startled by a loud crash. You all whipped around, looking in the direction of the noise. "There's titan's fighting the soldiers?! What happened to the Marleyan Army?" You stood up from the roof as looked at the once human titans that were being surrounded by the soldiers.

"Can't Eren control every titan if he commands the Founder?" Armin stood next to you as he looked at the titans. "They're eating up our guys, let's help!" Jean gently set Falco aside and shot up. "Wait Jean, what about the kid?" Mikasa held out her arm to stop him from leaping off the roof.

Jean looked over to you, meeting your eyes before looking off in the distance. "He probably inherited the Jaw Titan. WE can't just leave him here. If we fee him to a titan, he might save someone-"

"No." Connie interrupted Jean and you looked up at him. His face was stern as he looked off at the titans. "My mom. We feed him to my mom in Ragako."

Your mouth fell open as you looked at Connie. You couldn't find your words as you looked between Connie and Jean. "According to Zeke, that kid's a warrior candidate and he's like their little brother. If we kill someone close to Reiner and the cart, it'll only cause more conflict." Armin threw up his arms as he stood in front of Connie.

"Armin's right Connie." You spoke softly and Connie slowly turned to you. "So you're saying my mom doesn't matter?" Connie stared into your eyes, scaring you.

"Connie, you know that's not what I meant-" You felt Jean grab onto your shirt, signaling you to stop speaking. "Do you have an idea what it's been like to see my mom like that every time?!" Connie yelled at you as he got closer. Armin placed his arm in front of you, wedging himself between you and Connie.

"There's no point in continuing the bloodshed once Marley has fallen so-" Connie grabbed onto Armin's collar, pulling him close to his face. "You're only here because you ate Bertholdt! So don't stop me from bringing my mom-" Connie screamed at Armin and you felt Jean stand up quickly beside you, grabbing onto your arm.

Out of nowhere there was a large crash beside you and you felt a large force and debris hit your back. Jean grabbed onto both you and Falco as you were knocked down the roof. You tumbled down, feeling a piercing pain through your leg as you hit the roof, where you had previously gotten shot.

Jean kept his arm around you as you laid down on the roof. "Hey!" Jean shouted as Connie quickly shot over, picking up Falco and fleeing the roof. "Connie!" You screamed as you tried to get up from the roof. Jean shot up, grabbing you and helping you onto your feet.

"Shit. We've gotta deal with these Titans. There ain't any more walls left." Jean pulled out his blades and you did the same. You looked beyond the roof at the dozens of titans in front of you. The pain in your leg hadn't ceased, but you knew you had to ignore it.

"We've got to get to the tower to get the thunder spears." You pointed to the supply station that stood a while away. Everyone nodded and leapt off the roof, into the crowd of titans. You focused on the few titans that stood in front of you, swinging through the air, bringing your blades down on the napes of the titans.

Blood splatted through the air and onto your clothing. You landed down on the top of the supply tower, everyone soon did the same and entered the supply tower. You looked around to see the thunder spears lined up against the walls. Jean walked over, grabbing some of them and handed them over to you.

"Thanks." You quietly said as you geared up. It didn't take long for you guys to get suited up and walked back out into the open. You stood looking over the edge, staring down at the titans trying to climb up the side of the building. There arms reached out for you as you stood on the supply.

"Commander Pyxis..." You looked down at the bald titan that stood directly below you. Everyone's faces darkened as they looked at the Commander. "Let's go." Jean said from beside you, stepping forward. You guys jumped off the supply tower, weaving your way through the titan's hands. You looked back as Armin shot a thunder spear at the Commander's nape.

You let out a heavy breath as the thunder spear exploded, killing Commander Pyxis. You shook your head as you swung around the side of the building, shooting the thunder spears at the remaining titans. There were explosions everywhere as you dealt with the titans around the supply tower.

Jean kept you in his side, remaining close to you as you swung around the titans. With the help of the others, it didn't take long to eliminate all of the titans in the area.


You stood with your back against the stone wall as you watched Jean speak with Onyankopon. You couldn't catch what they were saying. All you could hear was Floch speaking to Yelena, pointing the pistol at her head. You hit the back of your head against the wall as you looked up. The sky was reddish orange, partly due to the fires that had spread out, but the sun was setting as well. 

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