Give Your Hearts

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You sat next to Armin on top of the wall as Mikasa and the other injured people laid beside you. You placed your face in your knees as you looked out at the scenery beyond the wall. All that was running through your head was your father and Jean. You were lucky you weren't seriously injured.

You hadn't gone to visit your father at all, choosing to stay with the regiment on days off. Jean was off with Erwin and the others in Trost. Trost. Your home. You let out a sigh and looked over at all the injured. They were laying down, most of them burned from the steam.

You could hear the sound of horses galloping and you immediately sapped out of it. You crawled forward and looked down the wall to see Commander Erwin leading the Military Police, along with wagons and more horses. "It's Erwin..." You looked around and finally spotted Jean.

The group of Military Police made it up the wall, joining Hange's group and the scouts. You immediately ran towards Jean, a bright smile on your face. "How's it like working with Erwin?" You smirked as you stopped in front of him. Jean didn't answer before wrapping his arms around your neck and squeezing you tightly.

"Fuck, Jean you're ow-" He quickly pulled back, realizing what he was doing. "Sorry, I'm just glad you're fine. I heard about the three new titan shifters." Jean looked around, his eyes landing on Mikasa and Armin. "Yeah. Ymir, Reiner and Bertholdt." You sighed as you began walking with him as everyone gathered around.

Hange had spread out a map on the ground and everyone gathered around. "There's a giant forest here. We head straight for there. Though, it's not like they have a way to hide the Armored Titan's footsteps, but i think that's where they're heading." Hange pointed to the forest on the map.

"It's a gamble, but even if they have the strength to change into titans, the other titans might still be a threat. I'm sure they're exhausted. Let's assume they need to recover their stamina, they need somewhere they would be safe from other titans." Hange looked up at Commander Erwin and he nodded his head. "We set out now!"

Everyone separated and began heading towards the lifts to get down the wall. You stared blankly as you walked towards a lift. "Y/N." You looked to your side to see Jean, getting into the same lift as you. "What are you thinking about, you look lost in thought." Jean helped you onto the lift as it slowly began descending.

"Nothing horseface." You chuckled and playfully hit him in his chest. "Come on. We could die, we shouldn't keep secrets." Jean raised his eyebrows and you shook your head. "All I can think about is my dad. I haven't seen in years and at any minute I could die."

The lift landed on the ground and you and Jean hopped off. "After all this is over and we get a day off, we're going to Trost." Jean patted your back as you guys made your way towards the horses.

Why is horseface suddenly caring about me?

You traveled along with the crowd though the grassy plains. You looked to the right to see a red flare go off. You quickly reached to your side to grab your flare and shot it up.

The direction of the formation wasn't changing. You rode right behind Jean and Armin. You seemed to be with them a lot, which wasn't a bad thing.

There were more red flares going off. Shit we're surrounded. It was only a moment before the forest came into sight. There were two large titans strutting out and the formation quickly dispersed. "Locate Eren!" Erwin shouted as the groups ran beside the forest.

You tried not to look as titans began grabbing the Military Police from their horses. There was blood spraying everywhere as you ran past the titans. "Prioritize recovery and retreat!" Erwin shouted from the front.

I Fell For You (Jean x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now