Advancing Paradis

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"What the hell do you mean you guys had sex?!" Sasha yelled out and you quickly put your hand over her mouth. "Shut up. I don't want anyone else to know." You pulled your hand away to reveal Sasha's large grin. "Except for Connie." She shot up from the bed and ran towards the door.

"Sasha! Wait!" You ran after her as she darted out of the door and ran down the hallway towards the dining hall. "Stop! Sasha!" You Grabbed onto her arm, nearly causing her to fall to the ground. "Connie! Come here!" Sasha shouted to the boy sitting at a table with some of the recruits.

"Connie! Don't listen to her!" You wrapped your arms around her and started to drag her down the hallway. Connie stood up from the table and strutted over to you and Sasha. "It seems like Sasha has something to tell me." Connie smirked as he pried your arms away from her.

"Y/N and Jean just-" You hit her upside the head and she quickly shut up. "Jeez, no need to get violent." Sasha rubbed the side of her head and glared back at you. "So you and Jean had sex?" Connie looked to you and your face immediately turned bright red.

"I never said that." You grabbed onto Sasha's collar and pulled her down the hallway. "Don't worry, he already told me." Connie chuckled as he waved at you and headed back towards the dining hall. "See? He already knew." Sasha sighed and pulled herself away from your grip.

"Let's just get back to the room." You rolled your eyes as Sasha clung onto your arm as you walked down the hallway. Commander Hange was only a few feet away from you as they headed towards you. "Y/N! I was just looking for you!" Hange threw up their arms and wrapped them around your neck.

"What is it?" You asked as Sasha let go of you. "I need the higher ranks to meet with me and the Anti-Marleyan volunteers. Come on. Levi and Jean are waiting." Hange pulled you down the hallway and you turned to Sasha, who gave you a smile, before skipping back down the hallway.

You stayed silent as Hange dragged you towards the meeting you. They opened the door and pushed you inside. "Good, four-eyes is back." Levi sat in a chair with his arms crossed as you and Hange sat down. You sat down next to Jean and looked around the table to see Yelena and Onyankopon.

"So, Yelena and Onyankopon, coming from Marley, have some technology they wanted to share with us." Hange nodded to Yelena and she stood up, pulling a rolled up piece of paper out. She leaned over, rolling out the paper on the table. You looked at the paper, which had an interact sketch of a machine.

"What is that?" You muttered as your eyes wandered over the paper. "It's a train. We have them in Marley to transport goods and people. In order to have a train though, we need a railroad." Yelena pulled out another piece of paper and spread it out on the table.

You looked at the sketches of road and steel. "One of our first ideas to get Paradis more technically advanced, is to build a railroad. While Hange is working on the guns and new ODM gear, the railroad will be constructed by you guys and your comrades." Yelena pointed to you and Jean.

You nodded your head as you stayed focused on the railroad drawing. "When will construction be complete?" You looked up at Yelena, who looked over at Onyankopon. "Maybe two years. We need to map out everything and get enough materials to construct it." You nodded your head and looked over to Jean.

"It's going to be one hell of a mission to get Connie and Sasha to do labor." Jean chuckled and looked over to Hange. "New gear was mentioned. What is the deal with that?" He asked and Hange nodded their head. "I want to work on making the gear lighter, as well as new uniforms that provide more protection. Guns may also be more beneficial if we plan to take on Marley."

"Just focus on your duties." Levi said as he stood up from the table. Yelena began picking up the blueprints and rolling them back up. "You're dismissed." Hange said as you and Jean rose from the table. You pushed your chair in and walked out of the room with Jean.

You closed the door behind you and Jean placed his hand on your hip. "There seems to be a lot of changes that will be happening." He let out a sigh as he guided you down the hallway. "Yeah, but if we want any chance at defeating Marley, we have to advance."

You leaned your head on his shoulder as you two walked down the hallway. "Why do they have to put us in charge of the railroad though, let the recruits do it." Jean rolled his eyes and you let out a giggle. "Come on. You can work up some muscle. You squeezed his upper arm and he turned to you in shock.

"What the hell are you talking about? I already have a lot of muscle." He looked offended as he squeezed his forearm. "Mhm, whatever you say hose face." You moved away from him, skipping down the hallway as he chased after you. "I do have muscles! You've seen my abs! Y/N! Come on!"

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