Sweet Dreams

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1 Year Later

"Please don't tell me you're going to eat your roll." Sasha salivated as she stared at the roll stirring on your plate. "I swear you're never full." You pushed the plate towards her and she immediately grabbed the roll, shoving it in her mouth.

"I heard Hange is working on new weapons. Since that whole Military Police and guns thing, she's had the idea of guns in her head." Connie sighed as he finished off his plate of food.

"I don't know how I feel about guns. Blades seem easier because you don't have to reload every other minute." You shook your head and stood up from the table. "Well you're a Commanding Officer so you gotta set an example." Sasha said as her and Connie stood up with you.

"Yeah yeah. This whole position stresses me out. Knowing I'm in charge of people's lives. I'm pretty sure it's taken a toll on Jean as well." You frowned as you thought of your boyfriend. His smile was no longer the same. The only time his true smile came back was when you were together.

"Everyone's been through stuff. Bertholdt's death and the whole thing with Reiner has affected everyone. Especially Eren and Armin." Connie looked behind him at the boys sitting together at a table. It was rare to see the same spark in Armin's eyes at the day they saw the sea.

"Yeah well, nothing's going to get better soon. I'm going to try and find Jean, I'll see you guys later." You waved to your friends as you turned down a hallway, making your way towards Jean's room. You both had been moved closer to the higher ranking member of the Scouts, which was convenient for the both of you.

You strutted down the hall, passing the numerous wooden doors. It didn't take long for you to arrive at Jean's. You gently knocked on the door and waited for him to answer. "Come on." You heard his low voice come from within the room.

"You just going to sit alone all day?" You asked as you opened the door and peaked your head in. "You know you don't have to knock. Just come in." Jean looked over at you, a smile forming in his face as he looked at you up and down. "Sorry." You stepped towards him as he sat at the small wooden desk.

His hands were in his hair as he looked over the papers sitting in front of him. "This paper work is fucking boring. How come you get the good jobs?" Jean wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. "What, like training? The new recruits are a handful. You'd lose your mind." You bent over to look at the papers in front of him.

"What did you need?" Jean turned away from the paperwork to place a small kiss on your hand. "Nothing. I just wanted to see you." You straightened up and looked around the room. It was pretty plain, nothing too special. You spotted Jean's sketchbook laid out on his bed.

"Did you ever draw Marco?" The sound of the name caused Jean to immediately perk up. He nodded his head and stood up, pushing the chair out from his desk. Jean walked over to the bed and grabbed the sketchbook. You watched as he flipped through the pages until he got to the one he wanted.

He turned the sketchbook towards you to show you a large drawing of a face. You felt a knot in your throat as you looked at the perfectly drawn sketch of Marco. The freckles dotted his face perfectly and his hair just the way you remember. "I'm scared all forget what he looks like." Jean said quietly as he closed the sketchbook and threw I back on the bed.

"Everything's changed so much. Marco's gone. Bertholdt's gone. Reiner and Annie are Titan shifters. Now Armin is one too. There's a whole other community we don't know about." You let out a large sigh as you ran your fingers through your hair. "I know. It's a whole mess." Jean sat down on the bed and held out his hand. You grabbed onto it and he pulled you to sit down on his lap.

You lifted your hand to play with the strands of long hair that framed his face. "Commanding Officers. Who would've ever thought." You laughed and kissed Jean on the cheek. "Speaking of which, Hange and Levi have us going to a meeting tomorrow. Something to do about Marley." Jean rubbed circles into the center of your back. "Do we have new information?" Your eyes widened, but Jean shook his head.

"Not that I heard of. Now come on. I'm tired." Jean leaned back in the bed and pulled you down with him. "Don't you have paperwork?" You giggled as he squeezed you with his strong arms. "It's not going anywhere." Jean pulled you into his chest and pressed his lips to your head. "Sweet dreams my love."

I Fell For You (Jean x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now