The Cavern

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There was a large church that appeared in the distance. "That's our location." You heard Moblit say as they slowed down in front of the church. Not wasting anytime, you all quickly jumped off the horses and out of the wagons. You held onto the reigns of the horse as you led it over to a large tree.

You tied the reigns to the tree and stroked it's main. "Thank you." You smiled before catching up to the others as they entered the church. "Armin. Get the gas tanks ready." Levi ordered him as you all entered the church. It was pitch black inside, the only light coming from the moon through the windows.

Everyone took positions around the church to keep guard. You looked around at everyone before slipping your hand into your pants pocket and pulling out the piece of folded paper.

You slowly began to unfold it, your hands shaking as the words began to appear.

My dear Y/N,

I really wish I would have gotten to say goodbye to you differently. I'm sorry. I hope you get this letter soon. I know being part of the Scout Regiment is dangerous work. You may not have seen me, but before my health began to decline, I would rush to watch the scouts come in on horse back from their missions, just to make sure you were still there. I know you must have been busy, but I have missed you a lot. Please don't blame yourself. You're doing something good with your life. I am proud and your mother would be too.

I am going to join her soon, and my last dying wish is that you live out your life, doing what you have always wanted. I never wanted to let you go, but I know it was what you wanted. Please continue to stay safe and keep your friends close. Don't join me and your mother too soon. Grow old. Have children, or not. Maybe you will help make this world different. I love you with all my heart. You've made me so proud.



You let out a staggered breath as you folded the letter back up. Your eyes were watering, making it hard for you to see. You wiped the tears away and looked up. You could see Jean eyeing you, but he quickly looked away. "Is everyone ready to get their hands dirty?" Levi looked over at you and the others as Armin finished setting up the gas tanks.

Everyone was silent, staring at Levi, knowing what was to come. You knew you'd have to face people, kill them. You've never killed anyone, but if it meant protecting Eren. Historia, and the others, you'd do anything.

"Over here." Hange directed everyone to a large double door. Levi and Mikasa rolled the small barrels towards the door. You gripped tightly onto your blades as Levi kicked open the door, sending the barrels rolling down the large staircase that was behind the door.

You dashed out into the large cavern with the others. Sasha, who was in front of you stopped as she lit her arrow on fire, aiming it at the barrels. She took the shot, sending it straight towards a barrel. You looked down to see an explosion as soon as the arrow and barrel united.

Dark smoke began to rise, allowing you and the others to get down without begin seen. You jumped off the staircase, using your ODM gear to carry you through the smoke. Your eyes stung, making them tear up, but you endeared until it finally cleared.

As you whipped around the large pillars of crystals, the others sent off green smoke signals, making it harder for the enemy to see. You spotted a couple of them standing on the platforms attached to the pillars. You flew towards them, your blades drawn and ready to strike.

The sound of explosions came from around you as you chased a man down through the smoke. He turned around, flashing the guns he held in his hand.

He sent off a shot, just missing you and traveling past your ear. Your rolled around, launching yourself higher into the air. The man gritted his teeth as he sent off two more shots. In a split second, you twisted to avoid the bullets. Now's my chance.

You spiraled down, your blades rotating as they cut through his skin. Blood splattered on you as the guy dropped to the ground. Your hands began to shake as you looked down at the man. His body was sprawled out on the floor and a pool of blood had already formed.

You snapped yourself out of it as you looked around at the others. There were only a few of Kenny's men left. You headed towards the large opening that led to another area. Before you could get through, a large net dropped, blocking your way.

You came to a halt, pulling back and landing on one of the platforms. There wasn't much time for you to think as a bright light pierced your eyes, and a strong gust of wind pushed you back. "Did Eren transform?" You muttered to yourself as you shielded yourself from the wind.

You spotted the others going through the opening, now that the net was torn away. You followed them into the other part of the cavern. It was extremely hot, and the first thing you saw was the large titan that had appeared. You looked around to see Eren and the others.

You flew towards there, landing on the platform next to Sasha. "Leave me! Just go!" Eren was shouting as he struggled in the chains. The walls of the cavern began to collapse as Jean and Connie quickly unlocked the chains and pulled Eren out. "Watch out!" Historia shouted as the ceiling began to fall down and you quickly moved back.

You pressed your back up against the wall of the cavern. You looked over to see Eren collapse onto the ground, crying. "I'm sorry. I've been nothing but useless." Eren's tears ran down his face, mixing with the blood.

"You think you're some tragic hero?" Jean scoffed at Eren. "What a weakling. We've been through worse than this." Connie said as he looked down at Eren.

"How the hell are we going to get out of here?" You shouted as you looked up at the large titan that was destroyed the cavern. "We can't escape." Eren whined as he looked at the titan. "We're not just going to sit here and hold hands, Jaeger." You looked at him, his eyes wide.

"Eren, it's your choice." Captain Levi said. Eren quickly dashed out from the wall, grabbing onto a bottle that was tossed to the side.

Within a blink of the eye, Eren had transformed. He was in his original titan form, but crystal spikes began to grow around him, creating a ball-like shape. "Get beneath him!" Levi shouted and you all ran out towards Eren. You dropped down, just in time as the entire cavern began to collapse.

You looked up as the cavern collapsed, along with the church. The night sky was now visible and the large titan began to move away. You were astonished as Eren appeared out of the titan. His titan had hardened, leaving a crystallized shell. "We're going after that big ass titan." Levi said as you all began to climb out of the cavern.

Jean grabbed onto your hips, hoisting you out of the large hole. Connie grabbed onto your hand, pulling you up and onto your feet. Once you got up, the first thing you saw was the large path the titan had left. The ground had pulled up and the trees were destroyed. "Holy shit."

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