The Wine

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"we're working with Eren, even though he killed the Premier?" Connie asked as you guys stood around the horses. "Nobody knows if Eren did it." Mikasa glared at Connie as she stroked the horse's man. "Mikasa... People may suspect us of being Jaegerists." You said quietly as Jean brushed up against you.

"Whose side are you on anyways?" Connie looked to Mikasa with a stern face. "Armin and I almost got caught in the explosion. You have to ask?" Mikasa turned back to him and he let out a sigh. You leaned against Jean and looked up him to study his face.

His expression was blank as he watched Connie and Mikasa argue. "Enough. Like Pyxis was saying, infighting will be out downfall." Hange appeared and walked towards the horse waiting for them. "So, you're ok with entrusting everything to Eren and Zeke?" Jean asked as Hange petted the horse.

"No. Zeke and Yelena took precautions and were ready for this sort of situation. We have to expect they took other precautions too."

Onyankopon came up behind Hange as Hange turned to look at the group. "We need to figure out Zeke's intentions before he makes fools of us. Let's hope my concerns are nothing." Hange smiled and looked to Onyankopon. "Is something bothering you?" You asked Hange and their smile faded.

"Yelena secured work for Marleyan prisoners in odd places. Like restaurants for example." Hange's eyes fell as they spoke. You slowly turned to look at Jean and furrowed your eyebrows. "Niccolo?" You mouthed the name and he just looked at you with a blank expression.

You walked beside Jean and Armin as you entered the large building. "Woah." You looked around at the large and elegant main entrance. As soon as Hange entered, a worker ran into a room. You stood there for a bit, looking around the grand restaurant.

It was only a little bit before Niccolo appeared out of the room and in front of you. You tried to keep a small smile on your face. "You guys? Is it urgent? My hands are full with customers right now." Niccolo approached Hange. "Uh, you can get back to work if you want." Hange raised up their hands shyly as Onyankopon stepped forward.

"We just wanted to talk about any concerns you have-" "They're investigating our detainment. We're hoping you can help." Onyankopon interrupted Hange as he straight ahead at Niccolo. "Yeah, alright." Niccolo frowned as he began walking up the stairs of the restaurant.

The group followed him up the stairs and down the hallway until he stopped at a door near the end. "Woah this is a fancy room." Your mouth dropped as Niccolo opened the door to the large room filled with tables and chairs. You walked into the room and ran you hands across the clean tables.

"Huh? Is this the wine all the soldiers gossip about?" You turned around to see Jean grabbed a hold of a bottle of wine. He held it up to show you and Connie. "They say only higher ranks can get it!" Jean smiled as he rotated the bottle to get a better look.

"Yeah? Aren't we higher rank in the Scouts?" Connie smirked as he came up behind Jean. "Yup! We deserve a bit of fun, too! A sip or two-" You froze as Niccolo sprinted towards Jean and snatched the bottle out of his hand. "Don't touch that!" Niccolo held the bottle to his chest as Jean and Connie stood their in shock.

"C-Chill out Niccolo. We're just screwing around." Jean held out his hands and walked towards Niccolo. "This good stuff would be wasted on Eldians!" Niccolo began shouting as he clung onto the bottle. "Niccolo, why are you saying that now?" You walked towards him with a frown on your face.

"The booze doesn't give a damn what race we are!" Jean grabbed onto Niccolo's collar. "Don't touch me, Eldian. Just because I've been nice doesn't mean we're pals." Niccolo furrowed his eyebrows as him and Jean faced off. "Have you forgotten what you are? You're just a-" "A filthy captive, huh? That makes us even." Niccolo grinned as he removed Jean's hand from his collar.

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