Portrait of My Love

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The rain hadn't stopped for hours, and the thunder soon arrived. You pressed your hands on windowsill and leaned to stare out the window. You could barely see the outline of the trees as the rain blocked your view. You let out a sigh and turned away from the window to face your bedroom.

Sasha's clothes were all balled up on her bed, her bow leaning against the bed post. You looked over to your bed, where your sheets were neatly draped over and your uniform was folded up. On the dresser that you and Sasha shared, the box your father gave you sat on top.

You strutted over to the dresser and picked up the small box. You gently lifted the top of the box and peered inside. You dug into your pocket and pulled the folded letter up. You placed it back in the box and moved the other contents around. The first thing that caught your eye was a small notebook.

The front cover had your mom's name engraved in the thin leather. "Dahlia." You pulled the notebook out and began to flip through the pages. On each page was one of your mother's drawings. Most of them were of flowers or of you as a child. You couldn't help but smile as you looked over each one.

As you were lost in thought at looking through the notebook, you hadn't noticed that someone was peeking into the room. "Uh Y/N?" You jumped at the sound of Jean's voice, dropping the notebook flat onto your dresser. "Oh shit. I'm sorry." Jean frowned as he opened the door and stepped into the room.

"You're all good." You picked the notebook back up and placed it in the box. "What was that?" Jean watched as you pushed the box against the wall. "My mother's old notebook. It has her drawings in it." You turned to him as he stared at the box. "Did she ever draw you?"

You nodded your head. "Yeah, but there all from when I was really young. Now, what did you need?" You looked up at him, feeling your heart begin to beat faster as you locked eyes with him. "Oh, right. Uh we are going to talk to Shadis. Get your jacket on." Jean pointed to the long green coat that was folded up on your bed.

You quickly rushed over, snatching the coat and put it on. The coat reached down past your knees, concealing most of your body. As you walked to the door to meet Jean, you wrapped the coat around your body and tied it tight. As you walked out of the hallway, Jean gave you a small kiss on your forehead before closing the door.

"Back in the day, I always used to call you here to chew you out." Shadis looked at everyone sitting at the table. "Shadis, with preparations to retake Wall Maria underway, perhaps you can guess what brings us here today." Hange said as everyone had their eyes glued to the Commander.

His eyes looked over to Eren. "Eren. You resemble your mother so much. However, the fangs lurking deep in your eyes are surely your father's." Shadis said and Eren stood up from his chair. "Tell me about him! Everything you know!" Shadis looked down at the table.

"I know nothing. Though, I can tell you a story useless to humanity." You sat there, listening intently to Shadis' story. He talked about finding Eren's dad outside the walls and how he had no memory except for his name and that he was a doctor. How he knew Eren's mom and how her and Grisha Jaeger got married.

Shadis began recalling the time he saw Grisha leading Eren into the woods and finding his unconscious body. "Now we know the real reason you resigned." Hange said as everyone sat quietly. "Because you realized you weren't special. Screw your inferiority complex. Don't run from reality. Isn't that what vowing to give our hearts is all about?!" Hange shot up out of their chair, placing their fist over their heart.

"Please stop, Hange." You turned to Eren, trying to read what he was thinking. "He's right. I was never special, but I am the son of a special man."

"Your mother. Carla said this, is wrong not to be special? When it comes to my child, it's fine if he isn't great. He doesn't have to be better than anyone."

You roamed the walls of the headquarters, listening to the sound of you boats hitting the hardwood floor. "Y/N! Y/N!" You whipped around to see Connie and Sasha barreling towards you. Sasha nearly knocked into you as she grabbed onto you. "What it is?" You giggled as they grabbed onto your arms and pulled you down the hallway.

"You kissed Jean?!" Sasha screamed out as Connie stared up at you, his eyes wide. "How did you guys find out?" You were confused as they continued to drag you towards the courtyard of the headquarters. "Well someone may have seen. That someone being Connie. And then he told everyone!"

You frowned and looked over to Connie. "Why the hell would you- Nevermind." You clicked your tongue as Sasha and Connie launched you into the courtyard. "Have fun lovebirds!" Sasha called out as her and Connie quickly scrambled away and disappeared.

You let out a sigh as you turned towards Jean, who was standing in the middle of the courtyard. He was wearing a beige collared shirt paired with a dark blue cardigan. He stood there in the middle of the courtyard and was holding onto a large piece of paper.

"Did you solicit them to drag me out here?" You chuckled as you walked towards him. He shrugged his shoulders as he looked nervously down at the paper. "Horseface, your hair is getting longer." You smiled as you ran your fingers through his hair. "S-Should I cut it?" He reached up to feel his hair.

"I think the longer hair suits you." You let go of his hair and looked down at the paper. He quickly pulled it towards him so that you couldn't see. "What is it?" You looked up at him as he hid it behind his back. "Listen. I hope you like it. I just-" "Jean no matter what it is, I'll love it." You grabbed onto Jean's arm and pulled it out form behind him.

He handed you the piece of paper and your eyes immediately lit up. "Oh my god. It's amazing, Jean." You held onto the paper in your hands, smiling as you looked over the paper. On the paper was a drawing of you. Everything was perfect and it was so detailed. Everything from the shape of your nose, to the small birthmarks and scars that scattered your face. At the bottom of the paper, in small handwriting, it read;

Portrait of My Love

You could feel yourself become overwhelmed by emotions. "Jean. Thank you so much I-I can't thank you enough." You felt a tear trickle down your face and you quickly wiped it away. "Don't cry! I didn't mean to-" "It's happy tears. Don't worry." You looked up at him, a large grin painted on your face.

"I'm glad you like it, but I have something to ask you." You gave Jean your full attention as he stared at you intensely. "Would you want to be official?" Jean blurted it out. "I would love to be, Horseface."

I Fell For You (Jean x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now