Chapter 2

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I looked myself in the mirror, feeling satisfied for the way I looked. It was dark outside and I assumed it would get cold later. I wore a white thick sweater and a jean jacket. My black jeans had me worried that I wouldn't be comfortable, but it was way better than wearing leggings, trust me. I didn't apply any makeup on my face, just because no one would be able to see my face clearly in the darkness. Plus that I never really liked makeup. So, it was a good chance for me not to wear it.

I went downstairs and I took a deep breath.

My mum was sitting on the couch and had a big smile plastered on her face. Her eyes were smiling too. She noticed me and immediately stood up.

"Here you are!" She looked at the man sitting on my father's sofa. I didn't take my eyes off the wall, just so I didn't have to look at him. He followed my mum's moves and came near me. He stretched is hand out, waiting for me to take it. At least he remembered that he wasn't allowed to hug me.

"Sofia, it's so nice to see you! It has been years... How are you? Did you miss your home?"

I didn't speak. What was I supposed to tell him, anyway! He took the hint and made a step back, letting his hand fall to his side. I turned to my mom, who was disappointed by me, if I had to guess for the look on his face.

"I'll see you when I get home. If you are awake, I mean." I was about to make a step closer to the door, but she moved her body in front of me.

Oh, god... Here we go again!

"You are not going anywhere. Especially with this boy!" I glanced at her with confusion.

"Why not?"

"He..." She looked so angry out of sudden. "He is a boy!"

"Yeah, I noticed that. Thank you!" I made a move again, but this time both of my mum and uncle backed my way. Seriously?

"Sofia..." My uncle said in a calm voice. "It's not safe out there. Alone. It's dark outside!"

I let out a sigh. "I'm not going to be alone. My friend will be with me!"

"I said no. No is no, Sofia. You are only sixteen, you are pretty and I bet that friend of yours won't hesitate to take you somewhere dark, just the two of you!"

"Jesus, mum! Can you stop making scenarios in your head, please? You are ruining my mood!"

She snorted. "Then, I am sure you will cry better in your room than out there." She crossed her arms under her chest and looked at me with a demanding look. "Upstairs. In your room. Now!"

I went to my room and slammed the door behind me. She was always doing this to me. She never let me go anywhere, even when we lived in Brooklyn. Some of my classmates had seen me sitting on my own at lunch and they insisted to take me with them at the mall once. I said yes, of course, because I needed to make friends. You couldn't be in junior high school without knowing anyone. And things at high school, get even more serious...

She didn't want me to be out when it was dark, even if she was there with me, or at least somewhere around. It was getting ridiculous over the years. What was I supposed to tell Riley? Sorry, my mum doesn't allow me to go out with you because she thinks you are going to rape me? He would-

Riley would come and get me in any moment. And my uncle, probably, would point a gun in his face.

I opened my window and pulled my head out of the window. He was ready to push the doorbell.

"Don't you dare touch that thing with your finger!" I whispered-yelled at him. He didn't seem surprised seeing me in my room and not in the living room, waiting for him.

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