Chapter 42

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He drove me to school and then, he left. I was standing still in front of the gate, watching his car disappearing in the distance when a loud noise reminded me that anyone could murder me in any moment. I forced my feet to move towards the school entrance. I would be safer inside than outside. I would really want to ask my soul why my pulse was racing like a role coaster and my breath was caught in my throat after the moment I walked in the yard. I wasn't supposed to feel like that. I was well-prepared. Maybe it was because of the fact that there was no one there.

I expected to hear human's screams and teeth tearing apart fleshes, but none of that came. All I could hear was the breeze hiding in dark corners, eagerly waiting for the battle to begin. Was it a battle? We weren't going to use swords and I wasn't holding a shield, so I supposed we weren't. But, even if we did, I wouldn't be surprised.

The walls were watching the lonely, winter evening which would soon turn into a bloodbath. My eyes tipped up, eyeing the dark blue sky. The moon was whole. The stars had disappeared, as if they had never existed in the galaxy. The moon was grinning at me, encouraging me. I wanted to tell it that its light wasn't enough, but it closed its eyes, like nothing bad was about to happen.

I followed its movements, letting all my feelings to go out of my system. I was stressed. I felt something touching my arm, but I stayed still. I didn't open my eyes even when I felt a hand grabbing the back of my head. Because I knew it wasn't real. Fingertips trailed a path on my skin from my cheek to my collarbone. The contact was familiar. It reminded me of something.

I stayed frozen in place.

When I decided to open my eyes, I thought I had kept them shut. I couldn't even blink, afraid that the person in front of me would disappear. A smile was slanting across her face. She was really born to be watched by people. Even with the pale skin and the gray veins everywhere in her body, she looked beautiful. The shade of her younger self was still in her eyes, filling with joy her entire face. I stretched out a hand, but she pulled away from me. Distress lined my forehead. I wanted to touch her, feel her. I wanted to convince myself she was real. That what I was seeing right in front of me hadn't died a few months ago.

When she, finally, let me touch her, I figured why she was backing away from me. I couldn't feel her skin I remembered so well that it was soft like a marshmallow. I couldn't even smell her. The sweet smell of roses and cherries was coming out of her body anymore. I saw my hand passing through her palm. But her hand looked like there was nothing inside. Nothing but dark veins.

I gazed behind her and then I saw it.

The night was full of ghosts frightening each other under the moonlight. The spirits were screaming, as they were getting killed by some thirsty monsters. I watched as a guy from my math class fell to his knees, a few meters away from where I was standing. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and blood started coming out of where the brunette vampire had just bit him.

A shaky breath slipped out as I recognized another classmate of mine falling on the ground. I recognized a lot of my classmates that night. All dead. Human screams sounded, after a while. I didn't want to think how the pack was going to clean all this mess after tonight. Just like the other times. But, last time the Slaughter had happened, most of the people in the pack were still kids. Around the age I was.

I wanted to scream, seeing all these people going down like helpless soldiers was worse than a nightmare coming true. I wanted to help them. All of them. I really did want that. But, I couldn't. Just like I couldn't use my powers in the outside like that. If I dared to release a single scream or sob, everyone would turn and spot me standing there. They would come after me before I even had the chance to blink.

Suddenly, I was thrown at the ground. My back hit the hard ground and I felt something breaking inside me. Maybe a bone, I wasn't sure. I didn't have the time to think about it. I lifted my head and spotted a vampire walking over me. It was the blond male vampire who was in the plan of distraction that night, at Chase's party. I inched up the ground and when I was back to my feet, I didn't even sit there to consider it. I just ran.

I could hear him growling at me from behind me. I passed by a few of his friends and they did noticed me. Because... Why wouldn't they? It was my smell, like Devon had said so many countless times. So, now I was running with about ten to fifteen vampires following me. And then they appeared.

An entire pack of large, swift wolves ran from inside the school. I didn't slow down my movements. I recognized a few of them that belonged to Jayden's pack. My eyes narrowed when an angry wolf with raven hair and black eyes ran by my side. He offered me an encouraging look as he started running towards the vampires with an, even more, impressing speed.

I entered the school and stopped to catch my breath. The hallways were dark. Not a sign of light. I thought of going in the library and hide there. But, what if they found me? The gym was probably a terrible idea, since there wasn't any place for me to hide in there. I doubted there were any teachers in the school. And if there were, they would be dead by now.

We had school in two days. What would the students think when the deaths of their teachers were announced? What if the pack forgot to pick up a dead body and hide it somewhere else? So many things could happen.

I heard heavy footsteps behind me and I saw the brunette vampire entering the building. His top lip was pulled up and his fangs were out. He was ready for me. I glanced to my right and I noticed that I could slip in a classroom for a while, till he couldn't find me and give up. The door opened and closed before anyone could notice it. My body slipped on the door and as soon as I touched the cold floor, I brought my knees to my chest. My head fell back, against the classroom's door. I heard his footsteps passing by the room. He stopped, for a minute. My breathing was heavy enough for him to hear it through the thick walls. I shut my eyes and forced my pulse to slow down. It did, a little after I held my breath.

When no sound was coming from the room, he decided to leave and search the rest of the school. I hopped to my feet and approached the window. I peered out of it. If I jumped out, I would land on some bushes. I would probably break a few bones, but apart from that, I would be just fine. If I did that, then what would happen? Where was I going to go? There was no way leaving the school without anyone to come after me. There was a real battle going on outside. Someone would notice me running.

I needed to find Chase. Immediately. Or someone else. A member of the pack who wasn't secretly evil and while we were making plans of how to take them down, he was planning how to kill us all inside his mind and- Oh my. The night Blake got murdered... Max was totally the one who had killed him.

A tear slid down my face. He was right there for so long. Right under our noses and we had no clue. How was that possible? Max never seemed to have this kind of intentions. He helped us all. He loved Dante and the rest of the pack. He was a friend of Jayden. A very good one. And then, he just blew everything in the air. For what? I still didn't know why Max had betrayed us in that awful way. He might had wanted to earn power and respect from the two more powerful and strongest vampires in the entire history. Maybe he even-

My thoughts got interrupted from the subtle sound of the door handle bending down. I quickly ran and hid behind the door, so the person who would walk in about two seconds, wouldn't see me. That was the plan.

But the figure who entered the classroom seemed different from the male's vampire figure. That person was a bit shorter and had no muscles. My palm covered my mouth as a gasp was about to slip out. She didn't turn to look at me when she walked in. She first stood there and gleamed around. She stepped in the middle of the room. The door behind her shut closed as the temperature suddenly dropped.

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