Chapter 11

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My eyes went round. "Riley! Wow. So, you actually talk to me! I was convinced that everything was in my mind!"

He rolled back his eyes. "I'm really sorry for avoiding you! But-"

"You had too many things in your mind. I know." I pressed my lips together, waiting for him to continue with his sorry-for-being-a-jerk-even-bigger-than-Jayden.

That was a big sentence. Got it.

"Let me make this up to you. My friends and I are going out tomorrow night. Would you like to come with us?"

I thought about it for a second. Dante would probably be with his boyfriend and Jayden would have the chance to hook up with some pretty, teenage girls. And I would be watching. Not that I cared. He was a big douchebag. I was sorry for the pretty, teenage girls, not for him.

"Is Chase coming?" He nodded once. He had already gotten his answer.

We walked in the lunch room together. I hadn't walked in a room with a boy since a couple of years ago. From what I could remember. The only exception was my ex-boyfriend back in Brooklyn. But, that was completely different. A big mistake. I tried to spot Quinn somewhere around. I didn't get surprised when I noticed that she was absent. She didn't come at class that day either. Since the day we found the dead body at the woods, she hadn't called me or texted me. It had been three days since then and she was still not coming at school. Just like Devon hadn't appear at school since that day. I had started getting worried.

Riley was leading me to the table where his friends were sitting. I made a move to walk away, but he grabbed my arm and moved me in front of him.

"Hey." Dante waved at our direction. "Sofia, it's so nice to see you again! Come. Sit with us!"

Dove gave me a huge smile and I couldn't resist but smiling back at her. Jayden was taking a sip from his water bottle and he didn't even look at my direction. I reminded myself that he might was doing that just to piss me off. I wouldn't give him the pleasure of seeing me mad. Again. I sat beside Dove and Riley.

"So, Sofia is coming with us at Vinnie's bar!"

Jayden's head turned to my direction faster than a lightning. "Why?"

"I invited her!" Riley informed him.

Dove spoke to me, before Jayden had the opportunity to start an argument. "That's great! I will do your makeup and choose your dress! You are going to be more beautiful than you are right now! If that's possible!" Hesitation clouded her face. "If that's okay... I mean, I would really want us to get to know each other. Is it too soon?"

A small grin on my face made her tensed shoulders relax. "It's totally fine. I want that too!"

"Great! Do you want me to come to your house? Or you will come to mine?"

I told her that it would be better if we could meet at her house, since my mom wouldn't allow me to go out in the first place. Especially in a place where there was plenty of alcohol!

"I understand. My mum is a bit strict too. If that's okay with you, we can, also, tell her that you are going to spend the night at my house!"

"I'm straight, but can we get married please?" She blurted out at laughter that made Riley's attention turn to her. I hadn't noticed that they were avoiding each other since I sat with them at the table. But, I, also, couldn't ignore the way he was looking at her.

"You are so funny, Sofia!" Jayden's sarcastic smile faded away when two arms wrapped around his neck. Oh god, not again.

"Hey, babe. How are you?" She pressed her full lips against his. I was ready to throw up when he kissed her back in a passionate kiss. Did I really have to see that? Finally, he pulled away.

"Evie! Hi! As you can see, not only my brother is sitting in the table..." I could understand that Dove didn't really like the girl Jayden was kissing.

"Sweet Dove, when you get a boyfriend, you will understand me!" Dove's face turned red. Not from embarrassment, but from anger.

"So, you two are dating? Funny, because I thought you two were only hooking up whenever one of you was feeling horny!" Riley gave them an innocent smile and rested his forearms on the table.

It was Jayden's turn to turn red. That time, from embarrassment. I noticed the "thank you" Dove mumbled and the "You are welcome" Riley mumbled back.

I noticed that Evie wasn't wearing an oversized t-shirt with, clearly, nothing underneath it. She was wearing black leggings which were making Jayden horny and a red tight t-shirt, for the same purpose. Weren't these guys never cold? I, honestly, couldn't understand why guys was so attracted to exposed skin and short, tight clothes. Some girls liked that too in guys. I liked it too. Maybe it was just happening. Maybe that was a turn on for reasons we would never be able to understand.

Dante cleared his throat. "Evie, have you met Sofia? It's our new friend!"

She got her tongue out of Jayden's throat and finally, noticed my presence. "Maybe..." She looked at me up and down. "Hi." She said.

Just that? Seriously? "Hi." I would be delighted to practice my fake smiles with her.

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