Chapter 29

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It was an ordinary day, till it wasn't.

Dove had invited me to her house because Chase was hosting a party later that night.

"A party for what?" Was the first thing I asked him when he announced it to all of us.

"Just look around."

I turned my head to one side, but when I noticed what he was talking about, I turned my whole body towards the benches where the popular kids used to sit every day. Now, there was a bunch of teenagers I had never seen in my life.

"These are the people from our pack." Chase's whisper in my ear made my eyes go wide open.

About twelve teen werewolves were standing a few feet away from me and I was the only person in the school yard who knew about this. I was watching them behaving like every other student in that school. They were laughing, making jokes and a few others, were looking serious, discussing with each other. And they were all aware of me staring at them and studying their movements.

Evie was among them. She caught my confusion in my face and frowned. She walked to our direction and gave Jayden a charming smile.

"What is it?" Riley prompted.

Evie looked at the multiple groups of young wolves and then, she released a long sigh. "They are all here. They will stay in a motel, since they will stay here for only a while. But, a few of them insisted to stay with you guys." She gave Chase, Riley and Dante a meaningful stare.

They exchanged a few looks and from the way their breathing turned into heavy in two seconds, I supposed something was wrong.

"It was Blake, wasn't it?" Jayden questioned. Evie nodded once.

"What's wrong with Blake? I like Blake. Don't you guys?"

Riley's features tightened when Dove decided to join their conversation. "You like him? Don't you tell me you have a crush on him!"

"Maybe." She quickly crossed her arms over her chest. "Why do you care?"

"I don't care." He gritted out. "I just want to protect you from falling in love with him. I mean, if you haven't already."

Jayden was quite. He was the one who should get mad and worried. Not Riley. Even though I didn't see why Dove shouldn't like that guy in an erotic way, there must had been a reason. Riley wasn't just getting that kind of behavior for no reason. But it was Dove's life and I trusted her.

"Who's Blake?" I asked, but no one seemed to hear me.

The conversation was still going on when realization hit me. Blake was, obviously, a guy from their pack. He was close enough to us to hear the whole conversation and they, totally, knew it. So, they did it on purpose.

It was just Dove at the house when I arrived. Jayden had gone to do something very important, according to his words to Dove and their parents needed to have a conversation with the people of the pack before they had the chance to get settled. I got surprised no one had ever mentioned that there were that many people in the pack, but I guessed it should be something obvious to me.

Well, it wasn't.

I had gotten dehydrated and I asked Dove to get me some water. But, when she turned her eyes at my direction and looked at me directly in my eyes, I changed my mind. My water would probably not make it. She was still upset about what Riley had said to her at the school. I got up and made my way out of the bedroom and down the stairs. I liked the way I was feeling at that house when no one was there. At least, no one who was going to judge me. I liked wandering in a place where powerful people were living in. It was making me feel powerful, too.

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