Chapter 33

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Jayden was avoiding me every time we were together in the same environment. He had been accidentally punching my shoulder, throw things at me and during training, he was even worse. I was always the first to fight against him, which meant that he was putting all of his anger at me. All of his tensing emotions he had received from the rest of his day. I was doing the same exact thing to him, so I didn't blame him. I was mad because he was the one who had crossed the lines. He had gone too far and he didn't apologize. But, that was Jayden. I wasn't expecting him to say sorry to me. I had admitted to myself that I shouldn't have gone after the vampires on my own, but what he told me... was unforgivable.

I wasn't going to admit that I acted stupid in front of him. Only if it was very necessary.

Jayden had decided not to be present to our "meeting", as Dante called it.

"It is a meeting!"

"What makes you think it is?" Riley argued.

"There are people, who met so they can talk all together about a serious problem they need to face. And we are here today to discuss about something serious. And we are going to find a solution. Well," He glanced at me, before be turned his gaze back to his friends. ", not Sofia, because I want us to stay out of trouble. For now."

I angrily crossed my arms under my chest and looked away from him.

He and Jayden weren't trusting me. Even Max did! But, it looked like his boyfriend didn't like me as the others did. I really wanted to get Dante to like me, because he was a part of the pack and I needed him to have faith in me.

I was happy Jayden wasn't here with us and chose to spend his afternoon with his parents. Note: They still didn't like me. There were a lot of people who didn't want be with their side. They were only putting up with me because they didn't want me on the opposite side either.

I wasn't aware of the reason why Riley had wanted all of us to meet. I asked Dove If she had any clue, but she was in the same situation with me.

Riley rested both if his hands on the wooden surface of the kitchen table. "From what we learnt from Sofia, the vampires are expecting visitors. Here, in Bloodline. We, also, asked Max to use his magic to hear to any conversation of them that could seem useful to us. We found out that they are all going to meet in a local restaurant and they are going to discuss about their next moves."

I didn't miss Chase's frown. "In front of so many mundanes?" Riley shook his head in agreement.

Dove threw back her shoulders. "Why didn't we know about this?" Her eyes were travelling from Riley to Dante. He knew too.

"You learn about this now." Dante's lips curled in a wide smirk.

"This is ridiculous! You should have told us!" Chase raised his voice. He glared at the stairs that were leading to the second floor of my house. My mum was taking a nap at her bedroom and she had asked us to be quiet so she could rest for a few hours.

The past few weeks she was always with my uncle, on the road. They had gotten worried about the day the vampires were going to attack. We all knew it was close. Especially after their talk in the woods, we were sure. They had started searching for weapons so we could avoid any tragedies. They had found a few that were made of woods, but we needed more.

The pack was grateful to have them in their team.

"We are truly sorry for not feeling you." Max said, as he placed a hand on his lover's shoulder. "We just needed to come up with a plan ourselves. We wanted to have everything settled before we announce the big news to all of you."

I choked down a laugh. No one noticed. I knew that they hadn't told me earlier because probably Jayden had asked them not to. I knew Riley for a really long time. We wasn't keeping any secrets from me, because, just like Chase, he respected me. We believed I had to know everything that was important to the pack. So, yes. Jayden had totally talked to him.

"And what did you come up with?" Their eyes turned on me and rested on mine for a couple of seconds. From Dante's stare, I assumed he was surprised I had taken part in the conversation. But from Riley's look, I realized that it wasn't that.

"We..." Max shrugged. His hand fell to his side. "We will sent two people to go to that restaurant and sit close enough to the vampires so we can hear their conversation."

"We need to make sure these two people won't get recognized. That's why we are going to transform Sofia into another person." Riley added. "We, actually, hoped Dove could help us do that."

Dove's head flied up when she heard Riley mentioning her. A small grin formed in her lips as she found him looking at her.

"I'd love to help." She announced. A pink blush bloomed in her cheeks. My eyes widened when I realized that Dove blushed under Riley's look.

"Good." Max said, ruining their moment. Both of them looked nervously at the floor, like they had just shared a personal secret and they were feeling embarrassed about that.

"I can be the other person!" Chase placed his hand around my waist and I sucked in a quick breath.

We had come close since the night of his party. He never mentioned what he meant but the "I love you" thing and I guessed it didn't mean anything. Or that he meant it in a friendly way. But, whenever I wasn't thinking if mine and Jayden's argument, I was thinking about the things Chase told me when we were laying on bed. Together. There wasn't anything sexual going on at that moment. There was something else. Something pure and sweet and... something I really needed to feel.

"That won't be necessary." Max assured him. I narrowed my eyes at him. I felt Chase's grip tighten just a bit around my waist.

"What do you mean? Who is it going to be at the restaurant with me?" I prompted.

Before anyone had the chance to form any words that would help me understand, someone knocked on the front door. Riley made a step towards the door, but I moved faster. Light attacked to my eyes and I placed my palm over the top of my head. The unnecessary light disappeared and I could finally see through it. My hand fell and my muscles tightened like they were trying to prove that they were made of stone.

"You have to be kidding me." I muttered, as he walked past me and entering the house.

"I wish I could say i'm glad I see you all again, but I would be lying so I am not going to say it. But, I will tell you something!" I figured he was talking to me from his voice that was getting closer to me. I turned around and I gasped. His face was only a few inches away from mine. "We are going to enjoy tomorrow's night like it's our last. Alright angel?"

I nodded and he moved away from me. He turned to the others. "I want to drink whiskey." He clarified. He rested his body on the leather sofa and place his hands on the arms of it. "You better find some if you don't already have." He glared at them, one after another, and then he released a long sigh. "That's what i thought."

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