Chapter 22

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The vehicle stopped and only then I realized we had arrived to our destination. His lips were set in a hard line and when they started moving, the words seemed soft to me, even though he was telling me a painful truth.

"Devon kidnapped your friend because she is something too. She was born to protect you and only you. You see, you can tell if someone can transform into a wolf by the tattoo that person has. As you have might seen with your own eyes, I have a tattoo on my back with a row of full moons. The rest of us has the same tattoo in the exact place. And people like you," He finally turned his head to my direction. ", have marks. You have a tree on your wrist because you were chosen. There were a few like you, most of them are now dead. But, it's not going to happen the same to you-"

"Wait." I held up my hand to prevent him from keep talking. "What do you mean by your pack?"

He looked away from me. His jaw clenched.

"My father has put me in charge of our pack, since I'm turning eighteen in about a year. I... Um..." He shut his eyes. It was the first time he was being upset that way in front of me. He seemed like he was afraid of telling me, like he was struggling to find the right words.

"Let's just say that I was special and that was why I am the alpha of our pack now."

I sensed that there was more in the background. But I couldn't take the issue further because, clearly, I wasn't the only one with trust issues. The memory of the day he had broken into my room floated in my mind. He might was joking when he said that he didn't have good relations with his father.

Jayden was always in a good mood and had control of himself. I assumed that things at home were fine and what he said that day was too much.

I held out my hand to open the passenger door. I gazed at him and spoke the moment he thought I was going to leave him alone.

"Why is it a tree? And when exactly am I going to start training with you?"

"All of us." He corrected me. He looked outside the window and his eyes sparkled. I turned my head to look at what he was looking at, but there was nothing there to see. "Chase heard the entire conversation. He will explain everything to you." He informed me.

Right. I had almost forgotten that werewolves could hear things from a long distance. But Chase shouldn't have listened to what we were talking about. I knew it wasn't important and it had to do with him too. Still, he didn't have the right to do that.

I got out of the car, after Jayden informed me that he would be waiting right there to take me back home. I didn't tell him anything because I was afraid I would tell him everything if I opened my mouth. I couldn't tell him that I wasn't planning on returning home. At least not alone. And Jayden wasn't enough.

I walked in the untidy living room and the first thing I noticed was the empty bottle on the table. I wanted to ask if it was Chase who had decided to get drunk the other night, but when I turned to look at him, he seemed fine. He was dressed in a black hoodie and shorts. His brown hair was wet and I realized that he had probably just gotten out of the shower. There were no sounds coming from the house except from Chase's footsteps while he was walking towards me.

His eyes landed on the same bottle I was staring at. "Jayden decided to relax a bit this morning."

I frowned, but he couldn't see it. "I thought he had stayed at my place the whole night."

"He did." He said. "And he came here this morning to take a shower after Riley and Dante assured him that they were cable of taking his place."

I figured that it wasn't a good idea for Jayden to go back home after what happened. His parents knew that Devon tried to hurt me the other night, for sure. I still couldn't stomach it.

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