Chapter 49

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Since I needed some explanations and my mom was, obviously, going to give me none, I took her to my room, upstairs. She followed without saying another word. Jayden and Riley didn't try to protest or change my mind. They just followed us with their eyes. Until we were alone in my room and the door was closed.

Did she know that they could hear us from the living room? Did she have any idea about what we were capable of?

She ran her fingertips over my bookshelves and she stopped her hand only when it had reached the most important, valuable book I was keeping there. My breath was caught in my throat.

"I see you still have it in here." She let her hand fall. "It's a good thing you have kept it. These books are very difficult to be found. In our century there are not many people who search for this kind of books. But that's, also, why lots of people are looking for them." My eyebrows knitted. What was her point?

"I knew your mom." That caught my interest. "When she was a teenager and her powers as a Banshee started showing up, she needed help. Her father knew nothing about how to learn to control them. She needed to be caught in the right way so no mistakes were made. So, I found her. I always do that. I sense when someone needs me to get to them and I do that every time I have the feeling. You see," She turned her body towards me, facing me under the shade of her hood. "I have lived for centuries. Thousands of people had learnt things from me. The greatest of them had once been my students. And that's the reason why I'm here today."

"Wait," I held up a hand. "You helped my mother?" She slightly shook her head. "But she told me that she did this alone. That she didn't get any help from anyone."

"Did she, also, told you why her powers are gone by now?" I nodded and I noticed the curl of her lips. "May I listen to it?"

Except from the grin on her face, I noticed something else too. A scratch that seemed to start from somewhere above her lips.

"Have we met before?" I asked. She breathed out a chuckle as she moved her hands to the back of her head.

"I don't know. Have we?"

I squeezed my fists that were balled to my sides and I pressed my lips in a tight line. Her black hair fell free on her shoulders and the line under her left eye was visible. It was her. The woman I had seen that one time in the woods while I was training with Blake. Since that day, I had never seen her again. Ever.

My body fell on the top of the mattress and my hands clasped together. "How did you found me?"

"As I said, I know your mother. It wasn't that hard."

My sweaty palms covered my face. I was, suddenly, feeling the walls closing in. "What do you want from me? Why are you here?"

"I'm here because I want to help you."

The walls were closing and closing and closing...

"I give you two options, though. If you interested in hearing them." I jerked my head to one side, shutting my eyes for a moment. "The first choice is coming with me. My house isn't far away from New York. So, let's say that it takes you about two hours to get there."

"And the second choice?"

"It's about you staying here and not coming with me." She answered without delay.

I coughed into my hands. "How is that an advantage for you?"

"I'm not going to take you with me without your will. You decide. If you come, that's good for you. You are going to learn a lot of things next to me. You will learn enough for the big battle, when it comes."

"The... What?"

"But, if you don't come, then you will lose a one-time life's opportunity. I can guarantee you that you are going to regret it in the future, but it will be too late when that moment comes."

I stood up. "I have my friends to teach me how to use my powers and how to defend myself." I said sharply.

She scoffed out loud. "Really? Is that why Max betrayed all of you and you got kidnapped so easily? And Alice caught you that night and from what I can see," She glanced at me neck. "she got why she wanted." I was sure she was looking at the mark of the bite that was still there. Not so visible like it was one week ago, but it could be easily seen.

I spilled my brown hair out of the hoodie, letting it hang down my chest. I didn't like people staring at it. It was making me feel insecure and uncomfortable. But, for some reason, she couldn't take her eyes off it.

"Just give me a minute, okay?" Without waiting for her to give me a nod or anything, I darted out of the room.

I locked myself in the bathroom and rested my back on the wooden door. I brought my knees to my chest and hugged myself.

She was asking me to leave my house, my friends, my mom and go with her wherever she was living. What if she was staying in a cage? I knew nothing about that woman. How the hell was I supposed to trust her that easily? But she wasn't asking me to trust her. She didn't mention anything about care, trust, honesty and love. She talked to me about my mother. She wanted to take me away from everyone just so I could get trained well.

What is she was lying? I didn't think she was lying, but Max taught me something very important. I couldn't believe everything she was saying. She might wanted to hurt me.

She had a point... I was training with the pack for a really long time. Still, I had gotten hurt and for a while, they had won. I found control eventually, but they had come enough close to me to end things for me. I didn't act and that was a mistake. I was supposed to me unstoppable.

I wasn't blaming them, of course. Not even myself. They were doing the best they could, but that wasn't enough. I needed more. They couldn't give me what I needed. But she definitely could.

I stripped out of my pants and changed into skinny leggings. I was tired of feeling that much comfortable all the time. I needed to get my life back. I pulled my head to one side of my neck and left it there. The bathroom door yanked open, making me stiffen.

"Are you okay?" I let out a relieved breath when I saw Riley stepping in the bathroom. "Your heartbeat was faster than a rollercoaster."

I smiled at his words. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just need to finish something."

I moved to walk by him, but he stopped me. I glanced at his raised hand that was pressed against my belly.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" He prompted, a sign of disbelief in his tone.

"I don't even know myself."

I went back to my room, but when I searched for the strange woman, she was gone. She had disappeared. I hadn't even heard her racing off the stairs.

The window was opened. I couldn't figure that out. People could just use the front door. But, no! Of course they had to use the window. It was something like what Clark Kent used to do when he was Superman. It was pissing me off.

I moved to close the window. When I turned the handle, I froze. She wouldn't leave like that. She had come here to have a serious conversation with me, about something that involved her. We were in the middle of it, so I couldn't believe she had just left like that. From the window! She must had a reason to leave. Maybe it was something small. Maybe it wasn't.

Maybe she was giving me time to think of her offer. My eyes brightened. That was it. I had enough time to have a long moment with myself so I could take a final decision.

I really didn't want to talk about this with my mom...

Oh, boy.

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