Chapter 41

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My eyes flied open and my heavy eyelashes quickly kissed my cheeks. My mind was foggy. I wasn't feeling strong. I was feeling weak and I couldn't move for some reason I was unable of finding out at the moment. I wondered where Max was, if he had found the others who were probably still at my house. But, then, it hit me straight in my bones. My mind recalled the moment I knew there was something wrong. The moment I realized Max wasn't taking me to Jayden's place and panic started building its personal place in my lungs. The moment I figured Max wasn't my friend. He was a traitor. He had used magic to make me fall asleep so he could take me wherever he wanted.

There were some white dots that started clearing my vision. My wrists were being burnt. I looked down at my hands with my vision still blurred. There were chains around my wrists that were keeping me in place. I tried to move again, but they were tight. My legs were scratching the earthen ground as I was making big efforts to get rid of the chains. But I was, only, causing me more pain by doing that exact thing.

I felt heat all over my body and it took me a few minutes to understand where that was coming from. I was tied up in a tree. I was in the woods. But the tree trunks were larger than the trees in the woods near my house. It might was nothing, but then... Maybe I was far away from home. The forest was huge and the trees were thousands. So, it was possible.

A fire was circling me, like it was waiting for the right time to let the flames eat me alive. The heat was enough to take half of the oxygen that was filling my lungs, to leave me breathless. I coughed. A tear escaped from my eyelashes, but I wasn't crying. I just wanted to set myself free. Pressure built in my lungs and another wave of panic passed through me.

Where was everyone? Where was my mom and uncle? What was Max was going to do? Since he was in the opposite side-he had always been. We were just stupid and didn't notice it-, he was going to attack to the pack with the rest of them. He would even kill his friends, so he could prove his loyalty. I couldn't believe Devon and Alice were brave enough to ask him to betray his lover and his friends. But, I guessed he wasn't seeing them as friends. At least not when he made his decision.

What would happen if Dante found out? Oh boy. He totally would. He would feel betrayed and he would be hurt. I didn't think he was ever expecting his soul mate to turn against him. I , surely, couldn't feel his pain. But, I knew that he would want a minute with himself when Max was going to appear, having a wicked smile plastered on his face. When he would walk over him and tell him that he loved Dante, for the first time. But, that wasn't going to happen. Someone would jump on Max and take him down. But, was any of them really that determined? They all had the purest hearts when it came to their friends. They wouldn't kill Max. Even after what he had done to them.

Definitely not.

Maybe Jayden would have the courage to plunge a piece of wood in his heart. Yeah, he would be able to do that. He would put all of his emotions out of his system, so he wouldn't be able to feel a single thing while he was painting his hands with his friend's blood. I wasn't sure werewolves had the ability to do that. They didn't have a button they could use at times like this one. In movies and books, usually, vampires had that ability. But, no one from the pack had said a thing to me about mind-controlling.

The fire started burning the tips of my shoes and I jerked back. I glued my body to the tree, trying to avoid all the sparks of fire that were directed in my body. Max had used his magic to create all of this. But, I had made a promise to him. I promised him I would tell Dante he loved him. So, I was going to find a way to return. I just had to think.

I gleamed around, but nothing useful came into view. The branches were too high and the fire was too close.

Suddenly, a loud scream made me slam my eyes closed and raise my hands in the air to cover my ears with them. But, I couldn't lift them that much. So, I squeezed my fists. It wasn't really a scream. It seemed like a growl. I couldn't convince myself it was a human's growl. So, I made myself tip up my head and search for the source of the sound.

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