Chapter 34

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We both walked in the restaurant, his body beside mine. We stopped and I peered over, only to find Blake talking to an old man with a black suit. He had informed me, earlier in the car, that he had booked a table in his name and it was in a perfect location for us to be able to listen to the vampires' conversation. The old man said something to Blake that made him burst into loud laughter.

I jerked my head around, trying to spot any familiar faces. I found the brunette vampire, from the night of the party, sitting in the table near the large piano that was placed in the center of the big room. My pulse raced. I accidentally took a step forward and my head hit Blake's shoulder. My eyes tried to find the vampire again, but I couldn't see him.

I needed air. They were there. They, actually, were there and we were there too. I started having doubts that they weren't going to recognize me. The wig in my head looked like it was my real hair, -thanks to Dove-, but if they could only see my face...

I felt a hand wrapping around my arm and his arms, finally, encircled me. He started caressing the back of my head.

"You saw them?" He whispered next to my ear. I nodded against his hard chest. "I saw them too, angel. You don't need to worry. We are just a lovely couple in love. You need to calm down."

I could feel my chin shaking and he noticed, too. He gently cupped my cheeks and forced me to look at him and not at the vampires who were only a few meters away.

"Act normal." His voice was demanding and it reminded me that we were on a mission. I couldn't screw everything up. Again.

I steeled my spine and offered him a weak nodd.

"I need you to focus tonight. You can't act like a teen pathetic girl."

"You are so pathetic you make me want to kill myself."

Jayden's words floated into my head, making my heart plummet to my stomach.

The old man guided us to our table which was close to our target. Blake and I took our seats and we quickly informed the waitress who was waiting for us at the table that we would take a light plate for start. After the waitress was gone and we were alone in the table, I locked eyes with Blake. I was expecting him to start giving me orders and demands, but he didn't say a word. I was relieved, but I needed to distract myself somehow.

I couldn't stop thinking about my argument with Jayden. I knew he didn't really like me as a person, but I never expected him to talk to me like that. It was like he was keeping these words inside him since forever.

How could he talk to me like that? I had done nothing to him, in particular. Maybe he was mad with himself for breaking up with Evie or something, but he shouldn't have erupted on me.

Blake stretched out his hand and passed me his napkin, even though I already had mine, next to my plate.

I looked at the napkin, confused. "You look like you are about to cry." He stated. I took his napkin in my hand and made it a ball in my palm. "In case that makes you feel any better... Wayland is a jerk to everyone."

I tipped my eyes up. He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I figured. We all heard the things he said to you when you two went upstairs. He was a total asshole."

I shook my head in agreement. The sides of my lips pulled down. "I don't know why I'm so upset. Maybe it was because I didn't believe he was going to say anything about my father." Tears pooled in my eyes.

"He will make this up to you, eventually. You just need to be patient. Unless you apologize to him first." His eyes lightened, as he brought a glass of white wine in his mouth, taking slow sips.

"Me? Why should I apologize to him? I pinned him with a scowl.

He counted the reasons in his fingers. "He was right about you going there on your own, you were about to say something awful about his parents, but thank god, you stopped yourself. And just so you know... I totally support women, but you were wrong."

"I was wrong about what, in particular?"

He lifted the wine in his lips for once again, before he put it down and bended forward. "You know that things between his family are complicated. I, even, know it. But, you can't just go and blame Wayland for that. He, just like the rest of us, didn't deserve that kind of treatment from our own family. But that's how we had to grow up." He made a pause, before the words slipped out of his mouth uncontrollable. "Our parents our broken. Chase's and Riley's parents were lovely people, from as far I know. But, they died. And... After what happened to the Wayland family, I don't blame Iron and Elysia for letting themselves break. If my mother had been raped from someone I knew, I would be devastated too! Especially if my father hadn't done a single thing to fix that."

My eyes popped out. I brought my fingertips to my trembling lips. "Their mother got raped? And sir Iron did nothing about that?"

"I'm not supposed to talk about this issue, angel." He said, quickly.

"Please, Blake. I promise I won't tell anyone."

He raked a hand through his thin hair. "Well... I don't know much about what, exactly, happened." He admitted. "I only know that it happened when Jayden and Dove were about five years old. They both found out a few years later. I don't know how or when it happened. I don't know if they had some kind of argument or something. My parents were close to Iron and Elysia back then, so I bet they knew who did it to Elysia. But, they never told me. I wasn't close with the siblings or with any of their friends to learn more information about it, so I let it go."

He took the spoon in his hands and started cutting the meat in his plate. I wanted to cry. He was eating like a five year old kid. He looked adorable. A quiet laugh shuddered out of my throat.

He scowled at me. "What's so funny?"

I cut my own meat in tiny pieces, ignoring him. His words were wandering around my mind till Jayden's hoarse words made me stiffen again.

The metallic spoon fell on the hard surface of the large table, causing a lot of suspicious faces to turn their heads at my direction.

"You are right! I'm going to talk to Jayden the moment we get back home."

His mouth stretched in a broad smile. "I'm very glad I persuaded you." He stood up and offered me his hand.

"Wait- Right now?" His hand fell, as he took fast steps and in a matter of time, he was dragging me out of the restaurant.

"We- We need to pay the bill! Blake, where are we going?"

"Everything is under control, angel." He assured me in a gently voice.

I let him open the passenger door for me and take my hand. I was panicking because the truth was that I didn't want to talk to Jayden. He should be the one apologizing. I was supposed to be powerful and strong and he should respect me. But, he was acting like he was going to save the world.

But, then, I thought. He had an entire pack on his side. He could murder someone just because he didn't get the respect he expected. He had been practising all these years, just so he could be strong and muscled. He had girls waiting for him in their bedrooms.

He was achieving respect and power all the time.

And I was just pathetic.

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