Chapter 25

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"Sofia!" Someone close to me called out. "Wake up! Sofia, open your eyes!"

I felt a hand shaking my body. I groaned out loud. My mind was foggy, but it was impossible for me not to recognize that voice.

"Quinn?" I whispered. I rubbed my droopy eyes and tried to adjust at the darkness of the room. And I saw her.

Her long blond hair, once soft and beautiful, was a mess. Her pink muddy sweater and her torn up skinny jeans made me think that she tried to defend herself. She didn't want to be her. Her face made it clear that she was tired. Her red eyes must had suffered while she was waiting for someone to come and save her.

She waved her hand to see her through the darkness. I wanted to hug her and feel her body against mine. I'd missed her all that time she had gone missing. Her eyes flickered unhappily, making me shift in confusion.

"What are you doing here?"

My eyes flashed. "Isn't it obvious?"

"You shouldn't have come here." I sat my jaw. "That was the whole point of keeping me here. Don't you see it? They wanted you and I was just the bait."

I knew was what I wanted to tell her.

"You came here because... what? You are going to save me? How? Have you thought of that? Do you, at least, have a plan or you came here for vacations?"

I glanced around the place. There were no windows and the door was locked. I was convinced I was capable of helping Quinn get out of here on my own. But, what the hell was I thinking? I had found out about everything an hour ago! I didn't even have a plan.

"We are going to escape, I promise. We will be safe."

"How?" She almost yelled at me, but then she seemed to remember where we were and calmed herself. "Did you informed Jayden as the leader of the pack that you were going to play James Bond?"


Her words made me remember all the things I had recently found out. And one of these things was that Quinn knew about all of this. And she never told me. I couldn't even bring in my mind a time when she tried to warn me. She was the first person I trusted and showed my powers at. That night she seemed upset and nervous, but we did it eventually. Together. And she agreed to this, anyways.

That was why Jayden tried to bring her to her senses. Because she couldn't lose her mind like that. She had to remain calmed and alive. Not because she had to save a random pack of wolves, but because she had to protect a teenage girl. Me. And she wasn't supposed to let me down like that.

I had almost forgotten that she was something too. Everyone was something. Including me.

"You lied to me."

I heard her catching her breath in the darkness. So she wasn't going to deny it. She was being honest now.

Wrong timing.

"I didn't lie to you. I just hid the truth from you."

"You had your reasons. You wanted to protect me, for example." I added in a sarcastic tone.

"You are mad, I get that."

"Do you? Really?" I cleared the gravel from my throat. "My life got destroyed on my birthday. You know, the day you are supposed to be happy and enjoy yourself! But, instead of that, a vampire who had a possessive twin sister came and threaded to kill me. And don't forget the part which says that I am supposed to become a murderer in god knows how many days or weeks! Or years!"

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