Chapter 47

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If someone had talked to me about what was ahead of me a few months ago, I wouldn't believe them. I would call them crazy and then, I would call the police. But that would only happen because I'd had no way of knowing if that was really my future. A future where I was frightening against vampires, on the werewolves' side.

Since the night we lost my uncle, Trae, and the vampires got defeated, I was spending the whole day in bed. I had a fever that would go away in about two weeks, but until that, I had to stay at home. I hated the soups my mom was making for me. They had become a routine and I couldn't stand eating them every day. Day and night.

"It's for your own good." Mom was telling me every time she was bringing the plate in my room and I was swaying it away.

Chase was visiting me to check on me and to keep me company until late in afternoon, when he had to go to practice with the others. The times mom was missing, Chase was replacing her. These were the best moments. He was preparing the bath for me, he was undressing me, -always with one of my mom's scarfs covering his eyes- and whenever I was hungry and I wasn't accepting the soup as an option, he was cooking something for me with the vegetables we had in the fridge. Simple, but always delicious.

Dove was getting better. Riley was usually skipping his classes so he could spend some time with her while she was resting. They were best friends since forever, so I guessed that this was something normal for them. I was just sad because I couldn't be there with her, watching her blush coloring her cheeks whenever Riley was smiling at her. He, just like the rest of us, were worried for her.

She had been injured during her fight with one of the vampires. She didn't recognize the one who attacked her in the woods, but that didn't matter. She was cut by their fingernails and according to what Michael had said to her parents, the cut was deep. That was why she needed time to fully recover.

I wasn't worried about Dove. I knew she would make it. She was going to be just fine. She was stronger than the most of us.

Michael was in charge for Dove, while Miss Grand was regularly passing by my house to check on me and give me my medication. She was telling me that I was slowly getting better and that my powers just needed more time to get charged. But I was willing to wait. I needed that time to recover physically too. It was like vacation. I had the time to have some fun with Chase and discuss with him. My mom was talking to me when she was the one replacing him.

She was telling me stories she never had talked to me about. When I was a child, she was telling me fairytales to help me fall asleep. Now, I was laying in bed and I was falling asleep while listening to what our ancestors managed to do in the previous centuries. She told me everything that was going on in her house when she was little.

By the time she was ten, she knew everything about her mother being a Banshee and her grandparents being werewolves. She wasn't afraid, though. But, the way she was seeing the world and the people around her, changed. She didn't make any friends, she wasn't talking to her teachers at school or to the boys who were asking her out on date. She used to avoid everyone who came near her. She used to be scared of everyone, just in case they were hiding their true identity and they wanted to be friends with her so they can find the perfect moment to kill her.

Things got even worse when her mother died. My grandfather, -my mom's father-, went crazy. He was obsessed over the idea that his wife didn't die because her powers ran out. He used to believe a vampire killed her to take revenge of what her family had done to them. But, the truth was that he was afraid.

My mom started getting her mother's powers as she was growing up. She wasn't exactly like her. She was chosen by the ancestors. But, she was strong and powerful. Almost as much as I was at the moment. She learnt to control them over the years. Alone. My grandfather didn't want her near him. He was human. He had already lost his wife and he didn't want to spend lots of time with his daughter, so she would die a few years later. She lost contact with him after she moved out a few years before she turned eighteen.

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