Chapter 4

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A black bird was staring at me with its big glamorous yellow eyes. I actually thought that I was getting used to living at Bloodline, but I started feeling a little scared. People were staring at me every time I had got out to get some air or to hang out with Quinn. We had come pretty close since the night of the bonfire and I was glad she made the first move.

I stopped seeing that strange man I saw that night. But, he was visiting me in my dreams. I was waking up after midnight, sweating and screaming against my pillow so I didn't wake my mother and uncle. I didn't say anything to Riley's friend, Chase, about my nightmares. I hadn't seen any of them since then, actually. They just disappeared. I got neither texts nor calls from Riley and I was very shy to call him.

They didn't return that night. And when I went to search them, they were already gone. All of them. I, even, asked the girl Jayden was kissing and she said he had just left her. She seemed pretty much angry at him.

That wasn't my fault.

Something caught my attention. I glanced to my left, towards the forest. But I saw nothing. I had school in a few minutes and I didn't want to be late on my first day there. But, that seemed more interesting... I stepped through the trees and waited there. I had totally heard something.

Who could be there? I was early in the morning, so only the people who had work or school who be awake. At least that was what I guessed. I thought of dialing my mother's number on my phone in case of an emergency. She had told me that she would go to the city to buy a few things she needed for the house, so she wouldn't pick up her phone. She never did that when she was outside. I never got to figure this one out.

I was afraid of bumping into someone I didn't know. That would make the situation awkward and I would totally freak out. Especially if it was someone... You know, who was not actually real and they were just inside my mind for no reason. This wasn't how I wanted my morning to go. I had other things in mind.

I turned around, finally giving up. But I didn't have the time to step on the road again. I jumped in my place and swiftly stepped back, causing my balance to get lost. I landed with open palms but the jeans I was wearing were close to black, so my butt would look like a mess when I'd be going to school.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I scare you?" The young woman in front of me questioned.

I crawled backwards, keeping my eyes glued to her form. She was looking at me calmly, like she hadn't just freaked my entire world and hadn't caused me a heart attack.

She was wearing a white oversized hoodie and black skinny jeans. She had her hood up, covering her hair. But there were a few white hair falling on her forehead from the top of her head. The color was close to blond, but it also looking like white. Her skin was pale. Like... Really pale. Like the snow. And her eyes were mesmerizing. They were a mix of blue and white together. Like ice.

"Do I know you?" I asked her. I didn't think I knew her from somewhere, but she didn't look familiar to me. I hadn't seen her before around.

"No," She said. "But I do know you."

I frowned, but just for a brief second. I didn't want her to be able to read me. Not until I could read her.

"What's your name?" She stayed silent, staring at me. I realized I was still laying on the ground and I probably wasn't the best spectacle.

I jumped to my feet, but when I looked at her again, she was gone.

"That's not possible." I whispered to myself.

She couldn't just disappear like that. She was just there. Right. In front. Of me. Taking to me. It was a bit creepy having her looking at me through her cat eyes, glaring at me like she was going to attack to me in any moment. But now that she was gone, it was even scarier.

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