Chapter 43

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"Come out, little monster." She called out. "I know you are somewhere in here. It's just a matter of time before you come out and let me take your life. The sooner it happens, the less pain you will feel."

I dropped my hands to my sides and before I could even make a move, I was pinned against the wall behind me. Her long fingers were curled around my throat as my breathing grew shallower.

"Here you are. I had been looking for you. You know, it's not very polite that you are keep running away from us. We just want to have a talk with you. Is that so bad?" Her eyelashes thinned, trying to make herself look innocent. She didn't want to have a simple talk with me. Neither she nor her brother and Ember.

"Alice..." I sucked in a quick breath when her grip became tighter. "Let me go." I implored.

Her eyes were zoned in on the side of my neck. "My brother said your taste must be very sweet. And he hasn't even had a sip first!" She breathed out a quiet laugh as her fingers trailed a path on my throat.

She glared at me for a long minute, before her hand let go of me. Her face was on fire. She seemed like flames were about to come out her skin and attack at me. Even though no one had informed that vampires had special abilities like controlling the weather, the fire, or whatever. That was impossible, of course. From the books and movies I had watched, -when I thought I was brave enough to watch a movie which contained blood-, the vampires didn't do magic. Neither did werewolves. And from what I was aware of, I didn't have any kind of magical abilities.

"Conversation is over."

She threw me out of the classroom, my body hitting the door and landing on the lockers across the hallway. My heart raced. I felt my legs paralyzing. Placed my elbows on the floor and inched up. She approached me again and when her fist was about to connect with my face, I rolled over and jumped to my feet. I made a step forward, seeing a small light coming out of the nursery room. She grabbed the tip of ponytail and yanked me backward.

I felt a drop of blood on my tongue when my face hit the metallic surface of another locker. She fisted my hair and I gasped out.

"I'm tired of chasing you, Sofia. I swear to you that if this isn't over by the end of the night, I will make sure you are never happy. I will make your whole life an awful, disgusting nightmare you won't be able to wake up from." She growled low in my ear.

The next moment, I was screaming.

Fear was sinking inside me while I was feeling her sharp fangs burying their hunger in my skin. I let my head fall back. A big mistake. I had, accidentally, given her more access to my exposed skin. I felt her sucking all the life out of me as the blood in my veins was travelling to her open mouth.

I clenched my teeth against the painful sense of her teeth tearing my skin. I blew out a shaky breath when I felt that she needed more. She wanted all of it. White dots appeared in behind my eyelids. I closed my eyes. I dig my nails in my closed palm, all the pain directed to me. I couldn't breathe. My lungs were out of oxygen and she wasn't pulling away. She was taking everything she could, until she stopped and her mouth moved away from my neck. I needed to lay down.

I need to lay down...

My knees knocked together. A pair of warm arms caught me as I collapsed. There were loud voices. Alice's growl and then, a sharp sound which told me someone had just got injured. I felt hands sliding underneath my weak body and my legs lost contact with the floor. I was moving, but not really. I didn't know what was happening. I wanted to part my lips and ask out loud, "what is happening?". But my throat wasn't allowing me to make a word come out my mouth.

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