Chapter 15

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The teacher had both of her hands on the white papers she was about to give us after we had written the test. They were about the winter dance that was coming up in a about a week or so. Quinn had said that she was in charge of this and the fact that she hadn't showed up the past few weeks made me wonder if that could be the reason. That didn't make any sense. She could answer my texts and calls or text me back at the end of the day. She couldn't have so many things in her mind.

I concentrated on paper. Tried to, I corrected myself. I had already finished the first two tasks, but the third one was about a war I could not remember myself reading about. I felt my chair to be moving and I glanced around me to see who was annoying me. I took a look at the teacher who was now scrolling through his phone, while he was caressing his beard.

I looked over my shoulder. "Stop annoying me and get back to your work!" I shouted-whispered to him.

"I need your help." He shouted-whispered back at him.


Even though my gaze wasn't resting on him anymore and my eyes was back to the undone paper in front me, he kept on hitting my chair's legs with his shoes. The teacher didn't seem to notice it, but I did. And it was pissing me off! I needed to write well on that test.

"Come on, danger! Pretend you are a good person and help me pass the goddamn test!"

His shoes came in touch with my chair one last time before I lifted my chair in the air and slammed it back down. A quiet growl escaped from his mouth that not many people seemed to notice. I was fighting a laugh, while the tip of my pen was been pressing against the paper. When I was done with my test, I stood up and walked to where the teacher was sitting. I passed the paper to his hands and he looked surprised. I realized that I was the first who was finished with it. Seriously, Jayden's eyes were throwing me hundreds of sharp knives, if not daggers.

I walked out the classroom, not being able to hide my satisfaction. I had worked really hard on it and I wouldn't give Jayden my answers. God not! He should had studied on his own. Obviously, he hadn't. When Mr. Wills walked in the class and handed us the test, Jayden didn't very upset about it. As always, he looked pretty confident.

But, then I thought that the moment he would come out the room, he would probably start searching for me. Not that I was afraid of him, but just in case, I started heading to the launch room where there would be witnesses around.

I wasn't hungry, so I just grabbed a bottle with cold water and made myself comfortable in one of the many empty tables. We had literacy the next period and I wasn't very excited for that. Evie would be in the same class with me. She would exchange dirty looks with lover boy till class was over. I couldn't stand her.

"Sofia, where is Jayden?" It must had been the first time she had come to school with no make-up on. Still, she looked beautiful. Her personality was... not the best, but she could win anyone with her looks. Maybe that was why Jayden liked her.

"Jayden is still attending the course, Evie. Shouldn't you be doing the same thing?"

She crossed her arms under her chest and shot me an underestimated glare. "Shouldn't you be doing that, too?"

"You can wait outside the classroom. I bet he will be very happy to find you there, waiting for him."

The corners of her mouth twirled down. "I'm not that desperate, honey. I will just take a walk around." Her tight knit was making her legs look longer that they already were as she was walking out of the launch room. I, suddenly, felt bad for the choice of clothes. My outfit was simple compared to hers. Skinny black jeans and a dark blue sweatshirt. Forget about that. I didn't have to attract guys by dressing shitty. I didn't need a guy.

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