Chapter 26

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Two days. That was how long we stayed in that dark basement. The nightmares stopped for good. But, instead of relieving me, it was upsetting me. Because that meant that when they were going to start again, they would be worse than all of the other times.

I didn't talk to Quinn about the dream I saw with her. I had no idea what it meant or why I saw it. Then I remembered that a Banshee often saw visions or dreams which were predicting other's people deaths.

No. Quinn would be fine. I would make sure of that myself.

We used to talk about the good old days, just to distract ourselves from the hard reality. But then she was saying something like, "I wonder why they haven't found us yet," and the conversation was changing its theme immediately.

I was wondering that, too. All the time. Maybe they had a plan and that was why they were taking so long. But I couldn't relax, not even for a second. Something was always on my mind. Like how the twins were keeping their house hidden from the out world. I wanted to ask Quinn about it. But there was no time for that.

I tried to get into that conversation once and Alice came in the room and took Quinn. When she got back, she didn't seem well. Her face was pale, worse than a ghost. And her whole body was shaking. I thought she had a fever, but when I approached her and touched her skin to check her temperature, I got shocked. I didn't expect her to be that cold. Her skin felt like I was touching ice. I didn't have an explanation for that. I never asked her what they were doing to her when they were taking her.

During our time there, I was sleeping a lot. Even if it was only for thirty minutes. And most of the times I was waking up, Quinn was already gone. She didn't have any marks on her. But even if she had and she was hiding them, I wasn't capable of noticing them in the dark. I knew she needed help and no one was going to give that to her in that place.

"I don't think they will come for us. I bet they have no idea that you have even found me!" I heard her saying on our second day in the twins' house.

"They'll come." I told her in a confident voice.

Even if they had given up on trying to track me down, there would be someone who would keep going. My mum wouldn't let me just go missing. It wasn't much like her character.

"We need to think of something." I added. "Anything."

I squeezed my fists. Devon wouldn't let it go that way for much longer. He would try to hurt me, at the very least. He liked playing games. But, just like all the games, there comes the end of it.

"Do you trust him?" A low voice that came into my ears and sent shivers down my spine.

"I don't know." I answered honestly. "He... He annoys me all the time and sometimes, I am afraid of what he can do to me. I can't read him, understand him. He is always so motionless that I feel like I want to kill myself. But, then I think that he is just trying to keep me alive to save his own people. So, I'm seeing the way he sees me: Someone who came to stay in my life for a while and then he will be gone."

"So, you don't like him?"

I smiled even if she couldn't see it. "I believe that we could be friends in another version of our lives. The one that didn't make him the person he is with me. He is always so cruel and cold and mad for no reason and he laughs, suddenly, and then he starts yelling and I can't stand him!" I threw my hands in the air. She noticed that move. "He could be a bit sweeter and more polite, but why would he do that? He is spoiled, that's exactly what I thought when I met him. And I was right."

At that moment, all the times he was being sweeter and more polite to me faded in my mind. Because I realized that he was only behaving like that when he was seeing that he was losing my trust. And he needed my trust to take me with his side.

Honestly, I preferred the creepy spirits that were visiting me a couple times.

A sound from her direction broke the dead silence. I saw her figure moving around the room. A few seconds later, she was standing above my head. Her eyes were sparkling in the pure darkness. "If we were like Jayden and the others, we would be able to break the walls or something. Even if we were vampires, we would have powers which would allow us to do something badass! And I'm telling you, Sofia, I need to see Jayden's face when you will be saying these exact things to him! So, think of something!"

"Powers." I whispered.

"Um..." She was watching me with pure wonder. "Yeah? What about that?"

"We have powers too." I jumped to my feet so quickly that I felt my head spinning. Quinn grabbed my arm.

"Hey! Easy! You were in a sitting position for too long!"

She was right. I wasn't walking anymore. Why would i? I preferred to be sitting most of the time, because I didn't want to take walks inside the small room we were kept in. It wasn't necessary to find anything that was cold and dirty and... dead.

"What are you planning on doing?" She prompted.

"We can break out." I clarified.

"Right now?" I nodded. I didn't know if the look on her face was telling me that she was in or out.

I grabbed the sides of her head and forced her to look at me straight in the eyes. "Listen to me, Quinn," I told her quietly. ", we can do this. Together. I promise you, everything is going to be fine. You are safe. We are safe. Okay?"

I felt her shaking her head in my hands and I took that as a "yes". I let go of her and approached the wall I was leaning in all that time. I touched the hard surface of the door and moved away from it, my hands still in contact with the concrete walls. I chose to use the wall across the door as our "door" that would get us out of that place. At least, I hoped it would work.

"We can do this." To my surprise, she sounded nervous. She had been locked in there for about a month and now I was, finally, going to take her out and she didn't look excited. Maybe she was scared.

It was one of these moments when the one person who never gets sad or tired in front of you, lets everything out of his system. When you tell yourself, "I preferred him when he was annoying me and was telling stupid jokes." Because now, that person was an old, sick joke. And no one liked that kind of jokes.

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