Alix Hicks

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The Bootcamp Mentors are proud to present a spotlight interview with HicksScribbles Check out this writer's works and give them a shout out in the comments. 

BCM:  What motivated you to become a Bootcamp Mentor and what have you found most valuable about the program?

Alix:  It sounded like a great way to give back to the community and assist other writers on Wattpad. I also really love getting excited over stories and it's even more fun to be able to get excited along with the story's authors!

BCM:  What prompted you to start writing on Wattpad and what do you like most about the platform?

Alix:  When my coauthor and I decided we wanted to try pursuing our passion through a career in writing, we started looking for ways to gauge if anyone would even want to read our work. That was when we found and joined Wattpad.

My favorite thing about the platform is how we're able to comment on stories. As a reader, it's really fun and as an author, it's the coolest thing ever to get to see our readers' reactions.

BCM:  Tell us one thing about your writing process that you've incorporated into your mentoring.

Alix:  Reading aloud. It's a staple of my own writing process because it's such a reliable, fun way to tell if a lot of different things are working out right within a manuscript.

BCM:  If you had to describe your mentee's story in three words, what would they be?

Alix:  Gay pirate romance! 🔥🏴‍☠️🤘🖤

BCM:  Will you be entering a story into the 2022 Wattys? If so, what motivated you to write the story?

Alix:  Maybe. 🤣🥲 No idea at this point if we'll have Lorelia completed in time. Nick and I have had some characters and a world that we've been developing for almost a year now, that we've been dying to do something substantial with, but even if we don't make the deadline, we're both super excited to have my mentee's story, The Sole Prince, to root for! ✨

BCM:  Share two Wattpad story recommendations.

Alix:  Books, Boys, and Other Cursed Things by DLynnP and ajArnault (I haven't read it yet, but I love their individual work, so this is gonna be amazing) and of course, The Sole Prince by cheddarandcheesecheese !!

Thank you, Alix. We wish you all the best in your writing endeavors.

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