Ashley Michelle

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The Bootcamp Mentors are proud to present a spotlight interview with TeaNHeartache Check out this writer's works and give them a shout out in the comments. 

BCM: What motivated you to become a Bootcamp Mentor and what have you found most valuable about the program?

Ashley: Well, it seemed like a natural progression for me as a writer and person. Being able to give back to my writing community is a joy. Much like life, everyone is at different stages in their journey, so it's invaluable when someone with experience reaches back and shares wisdom about the path ahead. I say that as someone who has benefited from other writers doing just that! That's why I was happy when this bootcamp was created and have joined as a mentor every year. Being a mentor is as much a growing experience as being a mentee. I've learned as much as I've taught.

BCM: What prompted you to start writing on Wattpad and what do you like most about the platform?

Ashley: Oh man, my reason for joining Wattpad originally is extremely human. I was going through a hard break-up and was looking for a place to express myself. Writing has always been a cathartic escape for me. So, when I was googling for places to post and stumble on Wattpad, I didn't know how much my life would change. This platform quite literally shifted the trajectory of my life. I was still in school getting my degree in psychology, thinking I would become a psychologist. Now, I have my degree but I use it to help me support my fellow writers and create stories that I hope provide healing for my readers. 

Truly, my favorite part of Wattpad is the community it allows us to create. Look at all the beautiful community driven initiatives that have been created, this bootcamp being one of them. Wattpad is a great place to build a readership and build a support system of fellow writers. The road of the creative is full of rejection, it's important to have people who are in those trenches with you, who can remind you that your stories matter when the voice of doubt gets loud.

BCM: Tell us one thing about your writing process that you've incorporated into your mentoring.

Ashley: My writing process has changed a lot over the years, but something that I've grown to value is outlining. It is the one thing I always ask from my mentee's. For many it might be a dreaded thing, but I can not stress enough how much it will improve your story and character development. Think of storytelling like a math equation, because while every story is unique and each writer has a different process, the formula we use is the same. Think of the outline as the equation broken down step by step, it will be easier for you to spot any problem or weak areas. Or if your story has gone off the rails...etc. It doesn't have to be a chore. It can be fun, I promise. If anyone reads this and needs help, shoot me a DM I'll give you some helpful materials to start you on your outlining journey.

BCM: If you had to describe your mentee's story in three words, what would they be?

Ashley: Oh, what a fun question! Well, I am the proud mentor parent to two lovely writers. So, does that mean I get six words? haha. Actually, I think I know three words that could be used for both books: Sexy, Funny, Gritty.

BCM: Will you be entering a story into the 2022 Wattys? If so, what motivated you to write the story?

Ashley: I will be entering the Watty 2022 season with my dark, urban fantasy Darkness Rising. This story actually began because of ONC 2022. However, the idea of the world was circulating in my mind long before. Writing this story has been very cathartic and healing for me. It is the first project I've completed since the pandemic began in 2020. It's given me a place to release all the pain and rage without hurting anyone. It has allowed me the freedom of exploring my deconstruction from religion. At first glance, it's a story about villains, a cursed world, and the destruction of gods. But I hope the people that read it find the duality of humanity, and that even in dark times there are things worth protecting and loving.

BCM: Share two Wattpad story recommendations.

Ashley: Well, I'm obviously going to promote my Mentee's books! haha. In all seriousness, they are both great writers and their stories are enjoyable reads with characters you will root for! Found in Darkness by LJRae0328 is a dark mafia romance, with a good dose of humor and action. But if you're looking for something more in the vein of a romantic comedy with a equal parts heart and sexiness, It's Just Phone Sex by still_just_me would be my recommendation. 

Thank you, Ashley. We wish you all the best with your writing endeavors.

Keep it tuned here for more spotlight interviews.

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