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The Bootcamp Mentors are proud to present a spotlight interview with LNRoberts1 author of Fate Interrupted. Check out this writer's work and give them a shout out in the comments.

BCM: How did you discover the Bootcamp Mentors, and what have you found most valuable about this Wattpad community program?

LNRoberts1: I follow MiniMoxx, and when she posted her wishlist, I became aware of the program. I really value constructive criticism and was looking for some for my latest book. I thought working one-on-one with an experienced Wattpad writer would be such an amazing opportunity, and I applied as soon as the window opened. 

The Bootcamp program was so great in connecting me with a community that wants your story to be its best, and the Discord server was a great new avenue to ask questions when you get stuck on something. Besides getting really helpful information about my story from my mentor, we also discussed her experience with the Wattys and Wattpad in general, and I found that extremely helpful.

BCM: What prompted you to start writing on Wattpad, and what do you like most about the platform as a writer?

LNRoberts1: I wrote my first book offline in winter 2022 just for my own pleasure. Once I was done, I felt like I needed to share it but wasn't ready to share it with too many people who know me. I researched different Writing/Reading platforms, and I selected Wattpad as I had read a few stories on the platform a few years prior. It was hard to figure out how to break in and get "seen" at first, but I found a friend, and we joined a book club, and slowly I found the great community that Wattpad offers. I think the other writers I've become friends with on Wattpad is the best part— their friendship and support is invaluable. From my experience, everyone lifts each other up.

BCM: What motivated you to write the story you're submitting to the 2023 Wattys?

LNRoberts1: Well, my latest book is a sequel of sorts to my first book, following Ren and Gio into adulthood. I didn't think I would write a sequel, but a few of my readers wanted to know if they stayed together past high school, and my answer was always—"Pfft! Of course not!" But it planted a seed in my brain, and I started to daydream about their break up and what they would be like as adults. Once I actually started jotting notes down, I knew the next book was on it's way.

BCM:. If you had to describe your story in three words, what would they be?

LNRoberts1: Suspenseful fated romance

BCM: Tell us one thing about your writing process that has helped you the most.

LNRoberts1: The first book, I'll Remember, fell out of me suddenly over the course of two months while I was in a work lull. I pantsed the whole thing, never thinking as I was writing it that anyone would read it but me. It sure was a fun way to go about it, but I have reworked it more times than I'd like to admit and still am. The second time around, I decided to plot out my story arc, craft the characters and motivations from the start, and know all the major beats and moments I wanted to hit from the start. Of course, it didn't always go to plan—I discover new things when Gio and Ren start talking that I can't plan for in advance—but generally, I knew exactly where I was headed and was laying easter eggs that would come back around in the end from early on. I took a chance making Gio's character the way I did, I was so nervous about it, but I think it made the story much more complex and satisfying, and I'm very happy with it.

BCM: Share two Wattpad story recommendations.

LNRoberts1: The Twenty-Year Triangle by HeidiCarroll has to be my favorite book right now, on or off Wattpad. This is a second-chance romance with flashbacks to the 90's and early 2000s. The leading lady has the most unforgiving love triangle with two totally different but amazing men who have all been best friends since they were kids. So many heart-melting moments, drama, and so much tension! I have no idea who Kinsey's going to choose or how this is going to end, but I'm loving every minute of it.

No Reservations by Pollyf79 is the first book I read by the very talented Polly Ford. She writes witty Rom-Coms that will have you laughing out loud and shedding tears. Her leading ladies are always endearing, and the men are deadly gorgeous, full of forced proximity and angsty moments. This one is also a second-chance romance with flashbacks to the 90s, so if you like that about Fate Interrupted, you should definitely give this one a chance.

Thank you, LNRoberts1. We wish you all the best in your writing endeavors.

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