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The Bootcamp Mentors are proud to present a spotlight interview with lisa_london_ author of Sweet Little Birds. Check out this writer's works and give them a shout out in the comments. 

BCM:   How did you discover the Bootcamp Mentors and what have you found most valuable about the program?

lisa_london_: I actually don't fully remember when I first found out about the program. I probably saw someone I follow make a notification about it (or maybe several people) and I decided to check it out! I haven't regretted it.

So far, I've found the discussions with fellow mentees as well as mentors the most valuable. The discord server has became a very useful space for discussing how to best frame your story to make it stand out. Because there is so much more than just writing the story that goes into actually making it successful. Therefore, I've enjoyed the experience of connecting with people who actually have managed that feat (as well as the opportunity to actually work on my own story together with one of these people).

BCM:  What prompted you to start writing on Wattpad and what do you like most about the platform as a writer?

lisa_london_: A few months after I started writing, my mind was so full of thoughts and ideas about the craft that I needed to get an outlet for. I didn't necessarily look for popularity, but rather just knowing whether my stories even worked at all (as I had never shared them with someone before). So I would say it was mostly curiosity that drove me to posting my stories online. I wanted to see if I would transfer the ideas in my head to someone else's head successfully. Because just performing that feat seemed like magic to me.

I checked out several platforms before deciding to try out Wattpad. The deciding factor for me was the forums, as it allowed me to take part of ideas around writing before I was actually fully ready to post my own stories.

BCM: What motivated you to write the story you're submitting to the 2022 Wattys?

lisa_london_: It's actually kind of a spinoff from a fanfiction I wrote. I created these characters and their relationship (so they are original characters, which is why I could move them out of the fanfiction to an original story) for that story but I felt that I grew increasingly frustrated at the limitations for them in the world they existed (a medieval fantasy world). Instead, I had visions of a world where they could live happy, free, and in love. So I started to write down these scenes. Originally, it was just pure escapist writing for me but as the story I grew (when I had about 30k of stray scenes) I started to wonder if it could actually become a story in itself. So I started to arrange the scenes in order and create an outline around them.

BCM:  If you had to describe your story in three words, what would they be?

lisa_london_: Fluff, kisses, and lollipops

BCM: Tell us one thing about your writing process that has helped you the most.

lisa_london_: You don't have to start at the beginning. Just write down the scenes that are in your head and the rest will sort itself out. Truly, that is what made me push through my self-conscious writing block which I had suffered for most of my life. Because I had ideas for stories swirling around my head, but since I felt that I had to write the perfect start for it I never got further. Not until I realized that perfection doesn't exist. It's an impossible utopia and striving for it is futile. My writing is imperfect but that's alright, because at least I'm writing.

BCM: Share two Wattpad story recommendations.

lisa_london_: I have to mention my fellow mentee and friend spelunkadunk Her stories blend fluff and darkness into a beautiful blend. If I just can pick one of her stories I have to go with The Claimed: A Clash for Copper and Gold which is awe-inspiring in both it's character development and world building.

My other pick would be a story I started to read when it had less than 1k reads. Today, it's won a Watty and has more than a 1 million reads! It's For June, a sweet/hot romance by my lovely friend evacharya 

Thank you, lisa_london_. We wish you all the best in your writing endeavors.

It's not over yet, folks. Keep an eye out for more interviews.

 Keep an eye out for more interviews

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