Melanie Galeaz

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The Bootcamp Mentors are proud to present a spotlight interview with author MelanieGaleaz. Check out this writer's work and give them a shout out in the comments.

BCM: What motivated you to become a Bootcamp Mentor and what have you found most valuable about this Wattpad community program?

Melanie: I've always wanted to help other writers! I've been so fortunate with my books and Wattpad has been a huge part of that. The Wattys opened up so many doors for me and I'd love to help other writers accomplish the same. A program like this not only does that, but it connects writers together. I've met some really incredible writers through this, and that's been so fun!

BCM: What prompted you to start writing on Wattpad and what is one thing you find valuable about the platform?

Melanie: I started writing on Wattpad because I grew up reading on Wattpad. One of my favorite parts of the app are the comments— they're not only hilarious, but they're an amazing way to get line-by-line feedback. You find out what your readers love and you also find out what they didn't love. It's such a fun way to connect with the people reading your story. You're with them every step of the journey. I think the sense of community it creates is immeasurable to any other platform.

BCM: Tell us one thing about your writing process that you've incorporated into your mentoring.

Melanie: My mentee was in the revision stage when we started our work together. My biggest recommendation was to focus on the big picture first and then get more detailed with revisions afterwards. Make sure your story flows with the layout and that every chapter has a purpose. Then identify your "it" factor that makes your story like absolutely nothing else out there. Stories will likely have similarities, but make sure you have something that no one else does. Then, get a bit more granular and focus on your grammar because that really does matter. Finally, make your dialogue as authentic as you can. Say it out loud: would you say that in casual conversation? Would you really monologue for that long? Authentic dialogue makes all the difference with books, let it feel like a conversation you would have!

BCM: What is the username of your 2023 mentee and the title of their story? If you had to describe your mentee's story in three words, what would they be?

Melanie: My mentee is Alwyn_Knighton and her story is Tide Changer. Three words to describe her story would be passionate, empowering, and romantic. It's such a fun read— I really recommend it!

BCM: Will you be entering a story into the 2023 Wattys? If so, what motivated you to write the story? If not, can you share what you're working on?

Melanie: I will not be entering this year! One of my books, Just for Tonight is getting published by Wattpad, and the stories I've been writing are in that series, which means it can't win a Watty.

I'm currently finishing posting my final book in the "Just For" series which is a fake-dating story called Just for Now. I'm also starting to write a new book called Sticks and Stones which will be a hockey romance that has tropes like enemies to lovers and best friend's brother! I can't wait to start posting.

BCM: Share two Wattpad story recommendations.

Melanie: The Sound of Ice by MAndALaptop and Just Press Send by NikkiPierceBooks 

Thank you, MelanieGaleaz. We wish you all the best in your writing endeavors.

More BCM spotlight interviews are on the way!

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