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The Bootcamp Mentors are proud to present a spotlight interview with poojawrites author of Soulmates. Check out this writer's works and give them a shout out in the comments. 

BCM: How did you discover the Bootcamp Mentors and what have you found most valuable about the program? 

poojawrites: It was a chance encounter, and I'm lucky to find it at the perfect moment. I came across the Bootcamp Mentorship Program under the featured story section on my Wattpad homepage. Once I went through the details, I knew this was my opportunity to get guidance from my peers and enhance my work further. 

I wrote my story Soulmates as part of NaNoWriMo, so it was a little rushed at the time, but it is also one of the finest of my stories. So, the whole idea of finding a mentor and dedicating some productive hours to polishing my story intrigued me. And I'm glad to have Sevval as my mentor. She has been supportive from the beginning, and we are connecting well. We have also discussed other creative ways to make the story shine through. I'm sure we will have well-edited and polished work to submit for Wattys by the end of the program.

BCM: What prompted you to start writing on Wattpad and what do you like most about the platform as a writer? 

poojawrites: Wattpad has always been that one place that helped me in planning a perfect writing schedule and getting reader input on my stories. For me sharing my stories to a larger audience has always been a motivator. When I first started writing, the response I got from readers all over the world certainly made me feel more confident about my passion. And Wattpad is a great platform to interact directly with your readers and get their feedback on your story as you write. It keeps me motivated to write regularly and polish my skills through continuous feedback.

BCM: What motivated you to write the story you're submitting to the 2022 Wattys? 

poojawrites: I always wanted to write something that impacts readers emotionally, and they can keep the story in their minds for a long time. Romance has always been my genre but writing a story around grief and loss in the same genre was a challenge for me. I wanted to push my limits and write a story that could be felt, cried upon, and could deliver a message. Soulmates is an ode to the souls we lost too soon and the ones who are struggling to live through the loss.

BCM: If you had to describe your story in three words, what would they be? 

poojawrites: Friendship, Love, Loss.

BCM: Tell us one thing about your writing process that has helped you the most. 

poojawrites: I'm a Software Engineer in my day job and a writer by passion. So, for me writing is more like therapy, something that keeps me sane and allows me to share the stories in my head to the world out there. My writing process is both disciplined and flexible, depending on what I've promised my readers. I always plan deadlines for my stories as it helps me keep myself on the line and schedule accordingly.  

Since it's very much possible to lose track in between or stray from the plot at times, I prepare a rough outline of the story with a beginning, conflict, and an end, adding more details as I write. In all honesty, I never stick to a linear approach. I explore more about the topic I want to include in my story, then frame my dialogues and scenes around them. It always differs from what I had initially planned. So, it's okay if your story is beyond that rough idea in your head. I never stop writing until all my points get included. Under any circumstances, I never leave a story unfinished. You can only polish a story or reconstruct it if it's complete.

BCM: Share two Wattpad story recommendations. 

poojawrites: So, I've read many books on Wattpad, and there are a few hidden gems I would love to see getting some more buzz. One of them is Dog Days by my mentor beautlies which I've recently started reading, and the other is SIN-BIN by AnastasijaWhite

Thank you, poojawrites. We wish you all the best in your writing endeavors.

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