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The Bootcamp Mentors are proud to present a spotlight interview with spelunkadunk author of Human Bait. Check out this writer's works and give them a shout out in the comments. 

BCM: How did you discover the Bootcamp Mentors and what have you found most valuable about the program?

Spelunkadunk: Last year, a Wattpad friend posted something about the program, and I applied (with a different story) but was not selected. Then this year, I saw OwlieCat 's announcement about being a Wattys Bootcamp Mentor. I had recently started following them, and I think they are super talented and have a similar writing style/aesthetic to my own, so I decided to try my luck once more. Luckily, the stars were aligned this time!

Owlie's feedback is a perfect combination of motivating, validating what I already saw needed changing, and giving me new ideas to think about. I'm super excited to work with them, both to improve this story and to develop as a writer.

BCM: What prompted you to start writing on Wattpad and what do you like most about the platform as a writer?

Spelunkadunk: I'm a COVID Wattpader. I had already completed a couple of novels before I started posting anything on Wattpad, but I didn't share them with anyone, didn't do anything to improve, and didn't even know whether my writing would make sense to anyone besides me. When COVID reduced my work hours and social life, I started pouring more time and energy into writing, and I decided I wanted to share some projects with others.

Once I posted on Wattpad and got some feedback, my writing improved drastically. Connecting with other writers and seeing reader reactions helped me to hone my skills, to understand what works and what doesn't, and—most importantly—to stay motivated to keep writing and improving.

BCM: What motivated you to write the story you're submitting to the 2022 Wattys?

Spelunkadunk: The Open Novella Contest 2021 inspired this story. I had never even considered writing a zombie story or any horror-genre novel (I've never even read one!) until I saw that prompt and thought, "What if it's a horror-romance in a fantasy world with a lot of humor? What if my zombies act like this, and are created like that? What if I create two opposite characters who have to work together to save the world? What if..."

Then the "what ifs" turned into writing, the writing turned into a novella, and the novella turned into a 95k-word novel (and based on Owlie's initial suggestions and my outline revisions, it's going to grow, not shrink!).

BCM:  If you had to describe your story in three words, what would they be?

Spelunkadunk: Zombie horror-comedy romance

BCM: Tell us one thing about your writing process that has helped you the most.

Spelunkadunk: When I'm really stuck, I have a variety of methods that sometimes help me and sometimes don't, including: going for a thinking-walk, napping or exercising, drinking a glass of wine, reading a good book, brainstorming with a notebook and a pencil, talking about my story/ideas with other writers, or just forcing myself to write unfiltered.

But there is one thing that never helps me, which is staring at a blank page and feeling bad about my lack of productivity. So whenever I hit a major roadblock, I try to keep rotating through those other methods and not dwell too much on the fact that I'm stuck.

Another important part of my writing process is getting feedback. While I occasionally still have to ignore advice that cripples my confidence or just doesn't fit with my writing style/goals, I'm getting better at only asking for other opinions when I'm actually ready to hear them and at taking each criticism as an opportunity for growth.

BCM: Share two Wattpad story recommendations.

Spelunkadunk: My first introduction to OwlieCat's writing was their ONC novella for this year, titled Bad Luck, Baby and I freaking love that story. The characters, the descriptions, the plot, the worldbuilding—everything is intriguing and wonderfully executed. I highly recommend checking it out. (It's ongoing, so come follow the story with me! :D)

I'm going to cheat and do a two-for-one here... there are two other stories I have read which were selected for this Bootcamp program. One is King Eden by RowanCarver featuring a badass antihero female MC in a post-apocalyptic world. The other is Sweet Little Birds by lisa_london_ featuring an adorably awkward MC starting college—pretty much the polar opposite of King Eden. Both stories are unique and compelling!

Thank you, Spelunkadunk. We wish you all the best in your writing endeavors.

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