Dani Brull

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The Bootcamp Mentors are proud to present a spotlight interview with DaniBrull. Check out this writer's work and give them a shout out in the comments.

BCM: What motivated you to become a Bootcamp Mentor and what have you found most valuable about this Wattpad community program?

Dani Brull: My biggest motivation was my past experience with a mentor-mentee relationship back in 2017, through a program called Pitch Wars. It is volunteer-run, and it is where published/agented authors, editors, or interns choose one writer to mentor for an entire month. In 2017, I was chosen! I benefited well from this sort of feedback, and I was excited to see something similar on Wattpad.

And, I always like to give back and dig into beautiful gems that need more eyes. I also love the community at BCM. Such rich talent and willingness to help at every corner.

BCM: What prompted you to start writing on Wattpad and what is one thing you find valuable about the platform?

Dani Brull: I started to write on Wattpad in 2021, I think, on a whim. I was so nervous to publish my first chapter! The most valuable thing above all is the friends I've made and the wonderful books I have had the honor of reading.

BCM: Tell us one thing about your writing process that you've incorporated into your mentoring.

Dani Brull: I am always on the lookout for tension, pacing, and flow! I've also done a bit of an overhaul on how I start my first few chapters now. Immediate, engaging. I think I've incorporated much this into my writing as of late, and I try my best to stick to those two things!

BCM: What is the username of your 2023 mentee and the title of their story? If you had to describe your mentee's story in three words, what would they be?

Dani Brull: The story is GRAVEYARD OF LULLABIES by jordynsaelor. Three words I'd use to describe their book would be: haunting, poetic, magical.

BCM: Will you be entering a story into the 2023 Wattys? If so, what motivated you to write the story? If not, can you share what you're working on?

Dani Brull: Right now, I'm taking a small writing break, but I'm planning on picking up a queer romantic horror idea here soon. I am entering my story, an adult scifi romance, THE RAPTURE this year!

BCM: Share two Wattpad story recommendations.

Dani Brull: OF THE BLOOD by Monrosey and MEZZANINE by AmyMarieZ

Thank you, DaniBrull. We wish you all the best in your writing endeavors.

More BCM spotlight interviews are on the way!

More BCM spotlight interviews are on the way!

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