Taylor Romagnoli

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The Bootcamp Mentors are proud to present a spotlight interview with moonraess Check out this writer's works and give them a shout out in the comments. 

BCM: What motivated you to become a Bootcamp Mentor and what have you found most valuable about the program?

Taylor: I find it incredibly fulfilling to help someone when it's something you're both passionate about, and I'm a proponent of the phrase "iron sharpens iron" - my mentee has been helping me just as much as I've been helping her, and I find that really rewarding.

BCM:  What prompted you to start writing on Wattpad and what do you like most about the platform?

Taylor: I honestly have no idea hahaha. It's like a blank space in my memory, and the next thing I know I'm regularly posting and sharing and interacting with people. I was going through a lot in my life at the time I starting writing my first book, and it felt weirdly therapeutic to share it with people. That's probably what I do love about Wattpad the most is the ability to share your work and have it impact someone.

BCM:  Tell us one thing about your writing process that you've incorporated into your mentoring.

Taylor: This maybe isn't part of my writing process necessarily, but rather something I've contributed based on my own experiences. I tend to weave in elements of mental health as well as addiction and substance abuse in my own stories, and I was able to provide my mentee helpful info and sensitivity read on that subject matter because of my own experiences which is helping enhance her story even more.

BCM: If you had to describe your mentee's story in three words, what would they be?

Taylor:  Lovely, musical, romantic

BCM:  Will you be entering a story into the 2022 Wattys? If so, what motivated you to write the story?

Taylor:  I am not entirely sure I'll be entering this story, but my only eligible one is my completed teen fiction BLIND AMBITION. I took my love of football and my passion for telling stories about mental health and smashed them together to create a story from a unique perspective, and one I'm very proud of.

BCM:  Share two Wattpad story recommendations.

Taylor: Apex by w1ldflow3r if you want a good mystery/thriller, and The Difference Between Getting and Needing by sabbbycat if you want a witty, contemporary new adult story.

Thank you, Taylor. We wish you all the best in your writing endeavors.

Watch this space for more spotlight interviews.

Watch this space for more spotlight interviews

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