Chapter Five

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          Naty's followers loved to hear that she would be taking a (much needed) break. She understood that 90% of them wouldn't even know but the loyal 10% were over the moon for her to get some rest. Naty was always transparent about stress she carried and the on-again-off-again battle with anxiety she lived through. She would still be posting content that had been backlogged but her interactions and lives would stop for the week she was away. This way she could spend as much time as possible, focusing on Chan.

          But that was easier said than done.

          On the way to the airport, waiting for the flight, sitting in the First Class that Chan had arranged for her proved to be too aesthetically pleasing for her to not film content. Though she knew she wouldn't drop any of it for months...she still had to record. Naty sectioned off content for style, make up, secrets she knew for traveling, and any other random thing she could think of. She told herself after each little video and note jot that she could stop. The only time she did stop was for a thirty-minute nap on the plane.

          Naty did also use the time to keep in contact with her friends. Though most of them were asleep, she left updates on where she was and what she was doing at the time. It was the same process Noor followed on her solo trip. Even if it would be impossible to abide by every rule, she knew the absolute least she could do was let her friends know when she got on the plane and landed. She also decided the least she could do was let them know when she arrived to her airport and when she left.

          On the way to baggage claim, Naty sent the message to the group chat and then a message to Chan to let him know she had landed. Silence met her from both ends. Nervousness filled her at the thought that something could be wrong. It was a possibility that Chan was too busy preparing for the concert. Because of the flight schedule, Naty arrived the night before day one of the shows. She imagined there was lots to do in preparation for a sold-out weekend.

          She looked to her phone one more time with a frown.

          Nothing from Chan.

          Naty felt that twisting in her gut that signaled the potential for a meltdown but she swallowed hard. Chan had booked the tickets and the hotel and sent her all of the information she needed. She could just get an Uber ride to the hotel. That would be fine. There was nothing out of control. Everything would be fine.

          With that resolution she stood among the other members of her flight in search for her bags. Being in that position always reminded her of Toy Story and made the waiting a bit more fanciful. As the seconds ticked by, she felt herself relax again and her shoulders lower. The sight of her luggage was the cherry on top. Everything was okay and everything would be okay. She was going to have a lovely weekend whether she saw Chan or not.

          Naty reached for the bag but another hand beat her to it, "I've got it from here."

          It was Bang Chan.

          Naty nearly screamed as she registered who it was and, without her control, she gave him a hug that he awkwardly returned, "Sorry I didn't reply to your message. I wanted to surprise you."

          "It's okay, I figured you might be busy. If anything I'd just get an Uber to the hotel," she explained quickly as she pulled back from the awkward hug. "What are you doing here though? Shouldn't you be resting?"

          With the mask on and baseball cap covering his eyes, it was hard to read his expression. He simply lead her away from the crowd of people to a quieter area, "I had a chance to sneak away. You travelled all the way here. The least I could do was meet you at the airport."

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