Chapter Twenty-Seven Bang Chan's POV

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         Chan wanted to tell Naty everything.

          The right thing to do would be to tell Naty everything!

          And yet...he couldn't.

          The man walked into the JYP building as he messaged Fred a 'thank you' for getting Naty her tripod and yoga mat. It was an odd sense of guilt that had taken over him since he left the woman's side. He couldn't help but to smile at the reminder of their departure. She declared he was not allowed to leave until she gave him one thousand kisses. Chan stood still while she placed gentle pecks across his cheeks and jaw. The memory of the night before was reborn with each kiss.

          Chan left Naty riding a high he had never felt before. It was so obvious Seojun (his bodyguard) roasted him the whole ride to the building. Seojun's relationship with Stray Kids had developed over the past few months to the point that such was acceptable. Typically, Chan was able to dish roasts right back but, after lunch with Naty, his mind was mush. It also felt really good to be teased about how happy he was with the woman.

           But each comment nudged at Bang Chan.

          He was lying. Whether it was by omission or outright, it was lying. Chan just wanted to tell Naty the truth.

          Chan scanned his I.D. for the elevator only to have the doors open before him to the angry face of Changbin leaving.

          "Where are yo—"

          "I have had enough!" Changbin shouted with no care as to who heard.

          Bang Chan didn't have to ask. Instead, he immediately went to groveling, "Please. I need you. Please. I'll do anything. Absolutely anything. I can't be in the studio alone.'

          "Yijoon is there to handle the sound engineering. You also have Sana, Yuna, and Chaeryeong!" Changbin continued to shout as he powered through Chan's hold.

          "I need someone that is on my team and only my team. I need you and your mental and physical strength. I need your brilliant mind and unmatchable talent. I especially need your handsome beauty to distract me from my physical pain."

           Changbin had been making sounds of disinterest until the mention of his beauty. At that, he paused to look at Chan as if considering. He then shook his head, "No. I am done."

           "What will it take? What can I do for you? What can I give you? Please, I'll do anything," Chan had never pleaded so hard.

          "I'm sorry, hyung, but I can't do it. I can call Min—"

          "He can't hide his expression! I need someone that can be calm and get the job done. Just two more hours. Please?" Chan, in his pleading, had managed to direct Changbin back to the elevator.

           Changbin noticed immediately and began shouting, "I am not going back th—"

          "Listen," Bang Chan's voice became stern, "This is a situation that is undesirable for everyone but I can make it worth your while. If you stay with me, our next comeback will include two songs written by you."

          "What?" the man was frozen.

          Chan nodded, "The next album, after this that we are recording, will include two of your songs."

          "You have power but not that much," Changbin whispered.

          Chan looked around, lowering his voice as he leaned closer to his friend, "It was my demand for producing this debut."

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