Chapter Forty-One

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          The next morning was spent cuddling in bed which was odd since both were not the "spend all morning in bed" type. Bang Chan promised to get up and make breakfast for them but Naty insisted she should make breakfast. The gentleman disagreed vehemently. After Chan's 100th denial of Naty's proposition the two decided to compromise by cooking together. Naty found the little spat adorable—and concerning.

          The two worked in the kitchen with Chan giving clear instructions. Naty's job was prepping which meant chopping up an array of vegetables for the Gilgeori Toast Chan wanted to make. Bang Chan's job was doing everything else while giving clear instructions on what exactly he was doing. It was oddly relaxing to Naty. His calm voice was steady and educational without being overbearing or critical.

          It was fun!

          Until the door opened to reveal Ashley and Tara walking into the condo.

          "Good morning! Is everyone ready for their lessons!" Tara shouted at the top of her lungs.

          "Tara, please. You don't have to scream," Ashley groaned.

          "I don't want to walk into anything!"

          "You are! You definitely are!" Chan yelled as he hid deeper into the kitchen.

          "I completely forgot they were coming!" Naty whispered as she wrapped her arms around the man's shoulders to hide his exposed chest.

          "I did too!"

          "Are you two really getting nasty in the kitchen?" Tara snapped with disgust.

          "We were making breakfast!" Chan corrected.

          "In the nude?!" Ashley sounded far more aghast than Tara, "Do you know how dangerous that can be!?"

          "No one is nude! Chan's just not wearing a shirt! Close your eyes so he can go and get one!" Naty demanded.

          "Fine!" the two women shouted.

          Chan immediately ran to the master bedroom while Naty walked from the kitchen to the two women, "I am so sorry we completely forgot this was happening today."

          "It's extremely unprofessional, Naty. Is this how you conduct all of your meetings? You're not even properly dressed," Tara snapped aggressively.


          "I've heard enough about you. I wasted my valuable time coming here. I could have been meeting with anyone else but I'm here with you and you haven't even offered me anything to dr—"

          Chan suddenly appeared with two water bottles as he deep bowed and apologized, "This was all my fault. Please accept my sincere apologies. Make yourself at home here while I prepare a lovely breakfast for you both. Is that a new shirt?"

          Tara's face remained a scowl until it split open into a genuine smirk, "That is how you win the crowd back. Chris, do you want to share what you did there?"

          "I took accountability, apologized, made a plan for the future—even if it was fudging the truth a bit—and then distracted," Chan, with his messy morning hair, sweat pants, and SKZ shirt looked almost like a high schooler trying to get brownie points with the teacher.

          And it definitely worked.

          Tara patted Chan's head, "Good boy. Good boy."

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