Chapter Seventy-Five

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          It was evening when Bang Chan finally came home.

          Naty sat in the living room watching Spy x Family in the hopes that something sweet would help distract her from the digging in her abdomen. It worked for the most part but sweet family moments gave her hope of a future that seemed out of reach. She could not handle being iced out by her boyfriend a second longer but the woman knew she had to endure.

          And endure she did.

          Until evening when Bang Chan finally came home.

          It wasn't as if waiting around was all Naty did. The woman had a photoshoot that went exceptionally well. She had lunch with Leslie and Fred. The three went trapsing around town to get her mind off of the stress she felt about Chan's frozen heart. This turned into getting new makeup and a new coat for the coming cold.

          Naty had a fun day.

          Until she arrived home and still had not a single message from her boyfriend.

          The woman felt as if she were dying inside.

          Fred maintained his stance that Chris was simply upset about her soon departure. But the weeds in Naty's mind had grown ferocious. They broke the Earth and choked out her roses until there was not a good thought left. Her mind went back to the fear fantasy she created when she saw Han Jisung's message. Was Chris cheating on her?

          The door opened.

          Naty had imagined she would stay sitting casually and wait for him to approach her but that was thrown out the window as soon as she heard the sound. The woman was on her feet and at the entrance in time to watch Chan's exhausted motions as he took off his sweater and his shoes. The man looked drained.

          For a moment, Naty considered holding off on the talk until the next day.

          The kick her gut gave her from a friend called Anxiety made sure she did not delay.

          "We have to talk," Naty declared her statement as if she were addressing the nation.

          Chan's eyes lifted weakly to meet Naty, "Hey. I know. I'm just...I'm not in the mood."

          "Are you drunk?" the woman felt her heart drop to the floor.

          "I drank but I'm not drunk," his answer was devoid of the kindness he usually shared.

          "Are you serious?" Naty felt the anxiety slowly begin to turn to rage, "You don't have time to answer any of my messages but you have time to go out and drink? Can you really be that inconsiderate?"

          "I'm sorry. You don't know the day that I've had. I haven't had a chance to look at my phone. I didn't go out to drink. I drank in the studio with the members. I'm really not in the mood," the man walked right past her and to the kitchen.

          "In the studio? That's not like you. I...You're right. I don't know the day you've had because you won't talk to me anymore," tears began to form that she actively suppressed.

          "I'm sorry...I'm just not in the mood to talk about it right now," he was in search of a water bottle.

          "So, what? Am I supposed to wait to talk to you tomorrow? When? During dinner with your members or sometime during your busy weekend?" Naty felt her heart thundering in her chest.

          "I'll be going to Japan this weekend," he found what he had been searching for.


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