Chapter Seventy

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A/N: Hi. It's been a while since I've updated and I am so sorry! This story is not abandoned. I will finish it...not as quickly as I would like but I will finish it. I promise that I have this story outlined so all of my ideas are fleshed out and not going anywhere. I also have a second part planned and even have two spin off ideas with other members planned as well. It will take me quite some time to get through all that becaaaaaaause I just got accepted into Nursing School (YAY!). Writing has always been my passion but...ya girl needs money lol. I plan to finish nursing school and get a career that can support my writing (unless Bang Chan ends up actually reading this story and finds that he loves my writing and decides to hire me personally to write stories for him and we eventually end up falling in love and get married and he supports my writing until I end up getting published and we can support each other) which means I will have to take many breaks between finishing certain story arcs but they will be finished.

Anyway, thank you to all the readers that are still interested and invested in the story and thank you to new readers commenting and giving me kicks that I need to update! Thank you!

          Their time at the café continued in bliss that ended with pictures and signatures. The employees at the café, so sweet and so genuine, were too afraid to ask themselves but found courage in the owner. She asked Fred who asked Chan who was already in the process of giving his first autograph to a girl that was nearly in tears behind the counter.

          Naty stood back and watched.

          She had thought she would feel jealous. In the past, she had thought of what it would be like to see women far prettier than she fawning over her boyfriend. She imagined she would feel her insides twisting at the thought of him smiling toward individuals that would happily take him from her in an instant.

          But things were different.

          Yes, the girls looked at him with hearts in their eyes and, yes, Naty did think they were stunning and, yes, her insides did twist. But she was not jealous. She was, instead, grateful to have a boyfriend that was so loved and one who loved his fans in the same way. He spoke to them with such graciousness that every action of his was coated in appreciation and kindness. It was clear that he adored the Stays the same way that they adored him.

          There was nothing to be jealous about.

          Especially since they asked for pictures with her too.

          By the time they left the café there was a line forming. Perhaps "line" was too strong. A loose clump of individuals loitered around the park in anticipation of the café opening for the day. It was clear they were all speculating who could have been allowed early entrance and, of course, mentions of Naty and Bang Chan were heard. Yet, nobody did anything or crossed any boundaries. Naty wondered if it was because they were genuinely respectful or because Fred's glare behind the mask was too terrifying to risk satisfying their curiosity.

          She imagined it was both.

          The answer didn't matter.

          What mattered was the immediate release Naty felt as soon as the three were safe inside the vehicle. She had no idea how much she had been squeezing, or clenching, or raising her shoulders. The tension that had filled her body at the thought of being found out was something she had just gotten used to. Naty wondered what it was that she was even afraid of but had no answer. The idea of it was all just scary. Her mind went to images of idols being mobbed by their fans. She wondered if she could handle a mobbing. She wondered if Bang Chan could.

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