Chapter Twenty-Five

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          "Naty, Naty."

          Soft kisses against the woman's face brought her into the land of the waking long enough to know she did not want to be there. She rolled over slightly to grasp at the man that was kissing her, "Mmm. It's so early. Come back to sleep."

          Chan's laughter bounded around her like angel harps, "I have to go to work. But I'll be back for lunch at twelve. In the kitchen is a list of emergency numbers in case you need it."

          "Nooo," Naty opened her eyes just enough to see he was dressed in his signature hoodie. She grasped at the sleeves to pull hi closer, "You can't go. You're not feeling well and only I can help you."

          "I wish but I have to go into the studio. We're finally laying vocals down on the secret project," his words were punctuated with kisses and caresses that Naty leaned into, "You go back to sleep. I'll be back for lunch and I'll wake you up."

          Naty nodded but instead of letting him go she threw herself at him. Her arms wrapped around the man as she kissed at his cheek, "Have a good day, okay?"

          His arms circled her tightly as he sunk into the embrace, "You too."

          The man pressed another kiss to the side of her head that she could feel down to her toes. There were promises of lunch time and 'I miss you's as Naty curled back into bed. Chan tucked her in without her asking and kissed the top of her head before leaving.

          Naty happily drifted back to sleep.

          An hour later she was awake. The time on her phone read 9 a.m. but her body felt the 8 p.m. back home. Naty yawned into a great big stretch. It was time for her to wake up and start the day. There was certainly much to do.

          The first on the list was scrambling around for some water. Naty yawned her way to the kitchen where she found the list Chan had mentioned before. It contained Fred, the security of the building, the number to the studio, and emergency services in the area. The thoughtfulness was overwhelmingly sweet. She couldn't believe how adorable he was.

          Water was in the fridge that Naty was amazed to see fully stocked. As she sipped on her Jeju Samdasoo her mind began to consider the options laid out before her. For Chan's lunch, she considered buying lunch as a surprise but with so many ingredients? It only made sense that she should cook! She knew her Chan would love that!

          Over some toast, Naty began searching up easy recipes he would enjoy. She found a nice YouTube video with clear instructions that promised a meal that could be done in forty-five minutes. A quick scan through the kitchen showed all the ingredients needed for the meal. Naty calculated she had about three hours before Chan's arrival. That allowed her much time to do everything she wanted.

          The first on the list was brushing her teeth and washing her face. Next was removing everything from her bags and organizing them in the room and bathroom. Third was finding a washer and dryer, learning how to use it, then washing the sheets from the night before. While that was happening, Naty wanted to do some yoga but without a mat she found it impossible. She settled on some dance videos to follow on the website of the studio she typically attended. Last was calling Leslie.

          It was with great trepidation that Naty dialed the woman's number. She answered on the first ring, "Glad you made it. It's time to post some pictures from when you actually visited your family. I'd say a carousal in twenty minutes and a story post tomorrow. This weekend I'll post the reels we worked on before you left."

          "Okay, okay," Naty wrote everything down in her notes.

          "Next week is when the big stuff happens. I've updated your calendar already but make sure you write this down. Monday morning nine a.m. interview with ChaeChaeChingu. You'll get breakfast at her studio and that should last until one. You have an hour to get across town for the skincare photoshoot. These two are HUGE make or break. You need these two to go well so you can break into the South Korean market. Tuesday I'd recommend doing some sight seeing that we can use in a month or two. Wednesday at two p.m. is the jewelry ad you'll be modeling for and Thursday it's the photoshoot with Danbi Suh. The only way you can screw that up is by showing up late. Do not show up late."

          "Okay! I have it all written down. Thank you so much Les—"

          "I'll keep in touch! Tata!"

          The woman hung up.

          Naty looked down at her notes app. She was thankful for all the opportunities presented to her but also deeply terrified. ChaeChaeChingu was a HUGE YouTube channel that had actually helped Naty learn Korean. The skincare brand was one she had been using for three years. The jewelry brand was luxury beyond luxury she didn't know how she landed and Danbi Suh?

          The two were mutuals that had been trying to meet up for over a year! She was huge on all the socials for teaching people how to pose and Naty had used her tips a million times. She really hoped to be good friends with her by the end of everything.

          Naty let out a deep breath to remind herself there was no need to get overwhelmed just yet. She had been chewing on the thought of what to do with her day and her nerves gave her the perfect answer. The only thing that quelled her nerves for situations such as the ones presented was being absolutely prepared. Naty decided that after lunch with Chan she would get to work watching more ChaeChaeChingu videos, studying up on the skincare and jewelry brand, and learning more about Danbi Suh! She was suddenly very excited.

          She was also reminded that it was time to prepare lunch!

          Naty quickly got to the kitchen and pulled up the video to start with the meal. It was to be simple Kimchi Jjigae with pork and tofu. The video was very thorough but Naty still was terrified of messing up. She knew that no matter what Chan would appreciate the gesture. She just hoped he'd also appreciate the food! 

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